Wednesday, October 28, 2020

10/29/20 Where Do You Fit In Life?

     I have been trying to live a normal life and do everything right, according to what we are told.  I have been managing to get about 8 hours sleep regularly and I do believe it is helping me.  I was having trouble and my family was pretty much thinking I had become a narcoleptic but in the last couple months, I have even been driving when we head out of town, so maybe I am overcoming that obstacle.  I guess even at work, I have been working more normal hours, it is rare that I stay the full twelve hours, which is affording me the extra time to sleep as much as I have been.  Those two "activities" eat up two thirds of my day, and I am finding very little time to do much of anything else.

    In the last 8 hours, which I guess is my time to do with as I wish, I spend about an hour fixing lunch and eating with Baby A during the week.  We have taken to using the grill most days to make lunch, it might take a couple more minutes, but the food is so much better.  Add in another hour for the other end of this, going to the bathroom and taking care of business, with a shower and flossing (flossing is a pain in the ass, but it helps, specially when you haven't seen the dentist lately), which I am trying to do daily, it might even be more than an hour.  I just started exercising again, now that I have lost a substantial amount of weight.  Honestly, I am feeling like a deflated balloon after losing more than 70 pounds, so I want to tone up with some weight lifting, but that takes up another hour a day.  To that, add in another half hour for the time I am spending on the treadmill and that is a total of 3.5-4 hours.

    I try to wash clothes during the week, maybe 1-2 times a week, then just general cleaning, most days when I get home.  Boy and Sweetie are really good at cooking, but they are half-asses at putting their stuff away.  I added cabinets to the kitchen so they would have space for their things and I still have to come home and put away their flower, sugar, rice, soda bottles.  Not to mention, re-wash/wipe down the counters.  All these little chores take me a good hour a day.

    I guess I shouldn't complain, I probably have 2-3 hours a day to do as I wish, but finding that time can be difficult.  This writing does take me close to an hour a day when I add in having to think of a subject to write about, so maybe my free time is more like 1-2 hours a day.  Most of those free minutes are getting taken up by TikTok, to be honest, but I guess there is always the weekend to let down my hair and relax.  I like to think that Wife takes over when she is here and she does the busy work, which helps me to feel freer.

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