Monday, October 26, 2020

10/26/20 Dillard's Done Gone Daffy?

    Saturday was again time for Wife to go meet the lady who donates little blankets for students.  This is some organization where a group of senior citizens makes small blankets mostly the size one would use in the living room to cover your legs and then they donate these to the children.  Wife has been receiving these blankets from this lady for at least 5-6 years.  We meet her every 3-4 months, whenever they have a good 50-60 of these blankets and Wife takes them and disperses them to students.  When she moved to La Pryor she told the lady she was going to be working in another part of the state, but she said as long as she could hand them out to students needing them, it was fine.  So there we went on a Saturday morning, meeting her at 11:00am.
    Since it was Saturday and the mall had just opened, I told Wife I'd like to go in and see about getting some shirts.  I dress very casually, lately, I have taken to wearing these t-shirts in different colors which works with the shorts I was wearing because I had pretty much outgrown everything else I could wear.  I hadn't added any new shirts in probably over a year because Covid-19 has had us at home locked up since March, pretty much.  Well, life to the government may have stopped in the outside world, but I have been going to work every day and continuing life mostly as normal, but my clothes were staying the same and starting to look ratty and worn.  Add to that, I have now lost 70 pounds and 4X is looking very baggy on me.  I was curious and wanted to try some other sized clothes on me.
    We walked in and the first thing we noticed was the 50% sales racks in the men's section.  I shop over in the Big and Tall section, but seeing these clothes, Wife and I went directly to the racks and we both thought of Boy right away.  He is in his new job and although he doesn't like that people at his job dress very lax, he still wants to dress professionally.  The shirts seemed to be at such a great price, shirts normally $60-80 dollars were marked down to $21-23 dollars.  We grabbed about 4 shirts for him and then we headed over to my section.  I found about 5 shirts and they also were on 50% off racks, so I thought that is too good to pass up.  On another note, I was very pleased that all the 3X shirts I chose fit me and they weren't even tight on me.  I also grabbed a couple of pants and tried those at size 50 and again, they closed just fine, but at $120 and no sales tag on them, I decided to pass and wait until I lose a little more.  I would like to settle in on something like a 42-44 waist, so why waste money on the wrong size and risk getting comfortable?
    It was then an even greater treat when we went to pay and I had reasoned Boy's shirts would be about $90 and mine would be around the same, the guy tallied it all up and said $97 and change.  I asked him if he got all the shirts and he showed me the receipt.  Everything was an additional 50% off, so Boy's $60 shirts were at a real bargain of $14.99.  It was too good of a deal, we went and got another 5 shirts for him.  He ended up with 9 new shirts and I got 5.  He was happy because we noticed Mijo is getting a little thicker so we got him Large and he said now that he has been dressing in his clothes that sat in the closet for the last nine months, he has some Covid-19 weight and some of his shirts were feeling a little snug.  I don't want him to get fat, but he was as skinny as a bean pole, it is good that he is getting a little thicker as he is getting older.

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