Monday, October 26, 2020

10/27/20 Halloween Movies On A Saturday Night?

     After hitting Dillard's in the morning, we went and got some food, $375 worth for the week, but also meat to grill, which is my current favorite thing to do on my pellet grill.  We grilled around 5:00pm, ate at 7:00pm and had the evening to sit around relaxing.  Wife always wants to take a shower after, she'll say she smells like smoke from the grill even if she just steps out for a few seconds to double check the meat looks cooked through.  I ended up taking about an hour nap during this time, but got back up at 9:00pm and we went back downstairs to watch some Halloween movies, most importantly Nightmare Before Christmas.  This is Wife's jam, I mean currently we have Jack and Sally figurines in the kitchen, outside on the lawn as blowup decorations, a dedicated Halloween Christmas tree (it is black and has Nightmare Before Christmas ornaments on it) and other decorations throughout the house.

    I know about the movie and the characters, but I let it slip while buying some of these decorations that I had never seen the movie, I am not usually a fan of creepy shit and Tim Burton (he produced and created this world) is a creepy dude.  Both her and Baby A got on me, my younger son says he too has seen the movie a bunch of time, so they both decided I should sit down and watch it, but it wouldn't count if I fell asleep in the middle of it.  I reluctantly agreed to this, I had just taken a nap and sat down with my low carb ice cream.

    Jack, the skeleton character is a man who is not satisfied with life (yes, I am going to draw some comparisons with my man Hamilton), and Sally is Eliza's doppelganger in that she just wants her love to be enough (I love the singing Hamilton's wife does, but man, she comes across as super needy and that is what I felt from Sally).  Jack is trying to redefine himself after years of being the skeleton king and ruling Halloween.  He accidentally falls into the Christmas world and the lights and pomp and circumstance around the foods, the trees, the lights overwhelm his senses and for the first time in a long time, he feels glee and happiness.  He decides he will do Sandy Claws (Santa) a favor and take over his holiday so he can rest, but even his gift giving brings dread and fear to the kids as his best laid plans are still supported by the scary things in life.

    Towards the end, he has kidnapped Santa, rode on a casket pulled by skeleton deer and gone through the motions of doing what Santa did, but all it accomplishes is scaring the world in Christmas Eve.  Sally helps Santa to escape and Jack realizes what he has done just in time.  In the end, Santa tells Jack to basically "stay in his lane."  Santa rules Christmas, Jack rules Halloween and so on and so forth.  Jack realizes what would fill his void might be some time with Sally, which I guess ultimately might make this a love story, but Jack had visions as big as Hamilton's in that he wanted to treat the world to his interpretation of how the world should be.

    Baby A was all "how can you turn this into a Hamilton reference?" but that is what I saw and felt, maybe because we had heard some of the soundtrack while running around to the mall and the store.  It was good, I can see why Wife would get consumed by it.  The movie does a good job of mixing the Halloween and Christmas worlds and aren't those two the best times of the year?

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