Wednesday, October 14, 2020

10/14/20 Diet Update III?

     I am happy to say that I am now weighing in at 368.  This means I am down about 14 pounds from the last update when I was at 382 less than a month ago.  I know to regular people these numbers are still huge and in comparison to most regular people, I am a huge cow.  Luckily, the only person I get to compare myself to is myself.  As long as I keep coming down, I will be happy with the progress.  It seems the core of the dieting happens during the week, when Wife is away and I can more easily go without food or family meals.  Not that we are eating too much nowadays, we do usually eat an extra meal because we want to make sure our boys are eating their 3 meals a day.  Plus, on Fridays before the football games started, we had gotten into a habit of Wife arriving and then we would go eat at Mod Pizza, they have a new cauliflower "bread" so the carb count isn't an issue.

    The biggest change in the past few weeks is that I stopped eating a big heavy meal at night when I get home from work.  I am mostly keeping my eating to the lunch hour during the day, around 12:30pm.  This is the time Baby Jesus takes his lunch break, so I plan my meals around the time.  I will still eat a bunch of low carb ice cream on any given night, but that is about it.  My mom kept saying that cutting out the late night meal was the main reason I had gotten so big.

    Anyways, I am now able to wear some of my old jeans and shorts from before and I even need a belt to hold them up.  I have a bunch of those fishing shirts from Academy but even the 4X had gotten too tight to wear comfortably.  This weekend I was able to put on a 3X sized one, so I am on my way.  I then got greedy and tried on an old 2X shirt from probably ten years ago and I was able to button it down but I did look like a sausage.  My son didn't see, but I have one of his dress shirts over in my closet, it got mixed up and I tried it on.  I was able to get it on over my shoulders, but the buttons didn't quite reach, and that is a new 2XL shirt.  I guess that would be my next goal after passing 350 pounds, hopefully by the end of the year.  I want to get to where I can wear 2XL again and I might need to get down to 280-300 pounds.  Maybe by next summer.

    Wife is also doing great, she is also just eating one meal a day and maybe some sugar free Jello cups as a snack.  She is already below what she set as a target goal, so she is happy about that.  I have mixed feelings on her losing the weight, in my selfish voice.  First of all, her giant boobies are shrinking which I guess is a sacrifice we must all endure.  But worst of all, her weight had stopped her monthly female routine and that had been our basic form of birth control.  now, she is like a teenager all over again, not sure when to expect Aunt Flo or whatever and I have the large dilemma of either getting with the program and start/learn how to use condoms or go get fixed.  I love my boys but I do not want another kid at this age.

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