Monday, February 24, 2020

2/24/20 T-Minus Three Hours To Concert TIme?

    I know this is a fun thing, and I really do enjoy sitting there playing the music.  I can also say I have figured out 95% of the music.  The last little bits I plan on faking and playing extra soft or not playing as to not sound off.  Saying all this, I still had the hardest time sleeping last night.  We kept it simple and Wife just made some steak strips which we ate as tacos here with some Big Red and chips.  I must have drank most of the 2 liter bottle, which I knew would just mean it would come right out.
    Of course it can't just be worry about the concert, that would be too easy.  Wife still needs a car, with hers in the shop getting a new engine installed and Boy saying he really needs his car to get to classes and start interviewing.  She found another car rental place, a lot closer to us than the airport.  I also told her to not get the cheapest car on there, make yourself comfortable.  Is there a big difference between $168 for the Ford Fiesta or $190 for the Ford Fusion (for the 4 days she plans on using it)?  The car is twice as big.  We have until noon to go pick up the car, so it will cut right into my concentration and relaxing time, but oh well, I don't need none of that.
    I guess the T-minus 3 hours thing is for the time I have to be there.  They want us there at 1:00pm and they said there would be pizza and drinks, nice for us, but that is not good for any of the instruments.  Knowing this, I bought some of those tiny disposable toothbrushes to clean my mouth and hopefully not put sugars down the saxophone.
    I feel like my knee is hurting less and less, but now the other one is hurting somewhat, which I feel is from it doing more work.  I am relying on it to help me stand up from the sitting position.  Yesterday, I honestly felt it was colder sitting than standing, but at least with sitting I was off my feet and legs which was nice, but freezing.  I ended up standing a lot more than I wanted too, and that was not fun on my joints.
    It is now 10:20am and I probably have to go upstairs to cut my hair, it's been three weeks, I think.  I probably have to do something about my pooping.  I haven't in a day and a half, I am pretty normal, just occasionally it all shuts down.  Along with that, I think my pants need to be ironed.  I had already ironed my shirt last week, maybe the pants are iron free.
    I am stressing myself for no reason.  As the guy who got me to join said, this is just a community orchestra, it is all in fun.  We are not being judged or scored.
    (Post Concert, written Sunday Night)  I felt like the weight of the world on me as I had to be the good husband and drive Wife to the rental car place, then head to my location for a start time of 1:00pm.  I felt like I was getting there late, but the conductor pulled up at the same time I did, so 10 minutes late wasn't too bad.  I managed to eat a slice of pizza and drink the smallest cup of soda, they only had these 6 oz chubby glasses, like for punch or something.  I felt bad afterwards because of all the sugars I was introducing to my horn in the name of a snack.  Everyone seemed to be in a pleasant mood, it helped me stay relaxed.

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