Saturday, February 22, 2020

2/22/20 !st Track Meet, Dripping Springs? (1 of 2)

    Man, parents who participate do not get enough credit.  Javalina had his first tourney today and man, it was a little rough on everybody.  First off, he had to be at Crockett by 6:30am, so it means I had to get up at 6:00am to take him.  If that wasn't rough enough, he wanted me to double check on him as he was getting up at 4:00am to get mentally ready, shower and do whatever else it takes.  As bad as that was, we got it done.  I came back thinking I would maybe hang out, write a blog before we left, but out of nowhere my warmups must have caught that hole thingy in my leg just right and blood started pouring out like I was a can of Big Red tilted over.  I yelled at Wife and Boy until eventually Boy came down and he ran up and got my supplies which luckily I kept some (I expected this would happen again).
    We still managed to get going by 7:50am, we were aiming for before 8:00am, because they were starting at 9:00am and going by last year, our son likes to throw first and get done.  It seems like Dripping Springs is a world away, but by Google, it is only 26 miles and it should take 36 minutes.  I had planned on driving, but with my bleeding I let Wife take over, the leg was not a problem the rest of the day, although I still smell a faint Fe in the air.
    I have to hand it to Dripping Springs, as much as I thought they played dirty in the last game of the season, they have one of the prettiest campuses I have ever been on.  There was the large football stadium with its bleachers like a small college programs, a separate football field with the track the meet was held on.  Between the fields was a lot open space where two shotput fields were set up and two discus fields on opposite corners on a field that would fit another football field.  As usual, I felt bad for our guys, who we always seem to be with the poor school.  One school had four RVs set up in a square, obviously the parents brought these in to provide shelter for their kids.  There were tents and then some schools had canopies with coolers for food and drinks.  The poor Crockett kids were huddled on a hill which probably broke the wind a bit.  The worst part was the wind whipping and biting.
    Javalina at least started right at 9:00am with the shotput.  The discus was then started around 10:30am.  Although Javalina prefers and mostly talks about the shotput, he did not place.  It is tough to gauge how they are really doing.  It is too early in the season, for shotput, there is a technique to throwing and it involves a glide back or some students of the sport choose to throw it by spinning.  It was so early in the season, most kids were only going up there and throwing from a standing position.  I love the fact that these boys are basically all the best of the linemen from each school's football team.  They are all big husky boys, even without all the extra padding. con't.

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