Monday, July 31, 2017

8/1/17 The Ups And Downs Of Weight Loss?

    I was really thinking the testosterone shots were going to be my magic elixir, helping me lose weight faster than normal.  After all, the first week I got my shot I took off like a freshman college student, swearing to do everything the doctor suggested, starting with lots of water.  It seemed to work, after the first seven days I lost 11 pounds, so I was on a high.  Wife left that Sunday with Chubs, so I had no distractions to worry about feeding properly, Boy is like a hamster, just give him some water and food pellets and he is fine.
    The second week I was off and running on my treadmill, I mean no one wants to wake up, slap on shoes and start exercising, but it's about the only way I can fit in 40 minutes on there, then a shower and eating something before going to work.  I did this Monday and Tuesday plus hitting the gym at night at work, thinking by Tuesday I've probably lost another 3-4 pounds, but NO!  Freaking scale seemed stuck at 397lbs, no change, up or down.  This bothered me, but I thought maybe it's just I need a good poop, I kept up my routine Wednesday and weighed myself again.  Fuck!  It was still at 397lbs.  I sort of self destructed at that point because I want to see results NOW!  At least I've been hornier again, we managed to get it on a couple of times which I am happy because that had about disappeared.
    So I was off Thursday and I convinced myself that my ankle hurt and I was sore, so I didn't walk and didn't lift weights.  Wife and I went out and had a late dinner, then since she is off too, we just stayed up all night, she kept poking me about going to get some Round Rock Donuts, they make them with egg yolks or something, they have a yellow orange color and they are delicious but far away.  After I poked her around 4:00am, I finally agreed to go, she thought I was kidding, then I heard Boy fumbling around in the hall outside and asked him if he wanted to go, so we ended up going, they open at 4:30am, we were there about 4:50am, and we were back home by 5:30am.  I swallowed 3 donuts before Wife slapped my hands to stop, but I just got disgusted with myself and the shitty fact that this weight loss doesn't track on a line curve.  I ended up eating most of the donuts, did not exercise the rest of the weekend, and even at the movies Friday night we had two bowls of popcorn, a pizza, and even some of their cookies, washing it down with three diet Cokes.
    Before you all start shaking your head, the Diet Cokes must have helped because I still ended up losing three pounds for the week, I honestly don't know how, but I'll take it.  I need to relax and accept this will take time.  I am down a total of 14 pounds which is a good start for two weeks, and I am back to walking my laps without getting too winded.  I am still feeling weak in the gym, but that will come back.  I will try to stay more in control, and accept the scale is not for use every day, I have been told that and I have read it many times.
    On a positive note, I think the meds are helping, I still get a tad drowsy in the car if we drive around aimlessly too long, but I am not feeling drowsy at work, and if I get enough hours sleep, I can function most of the day without looking to lay down.  Plus, we be getting it on again, three times this past week, and that is a big improvement, thank you modern medicine.

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