Saturday, July 1, 2017

7/1/17 Two Weeks Of Normalcy?

    We are finally in the 4th of July holiday we have been looking forward to since the end of Spring Break.  As things go, I kind of expected Wife to show up late and she did not disappoint.  She had told me she would be out by 6:00pm and home by around 9:00pm.  I only cared because I was grilling some fajitas and wanted to have them done as they got here.  At a certain point, I call Chubs since Wife is driving and they are supposed to be here, but Wife has taken a short cut through 1604 to stop at her mom's house for a pee break.  This adds about 45 minutes to the trip, plus the time spent actually talking to her folks.
    This gave me time to finish painting Chub's room which I started doing Sunday night.  Sunday, I was up until 6:00am painting two of the walls.  Before I could paint, I needed to move all his furniture and he has furniture all around his room.  King size bed, two futons, another small sofa, dresser, night stand, TV console, and big sturdy desk plus all the posters and pictures.  The walls had been burned orange and I did not think one coat of paint would be enough to cover the beauty of the Longhorn color, but I used the pricier paint and it got it done, but I needed two cans as it goes on pretty thick.  Now his room is the color of the green light at any intersection, so I expect him to open his eyes and GO!
    Today is Friday afternoon, we just had a great family breakfast with egg and mini sausage tacos, I am in the midst of writing my blog and we are fixing to run some errands today, fun.  Wife has some checks to cash.  She will be at some conferences in the next weeks and this will keep her up in Austin for almost three weeks, and the checks are supposed to feed her, but she can starve during the day and give me that money.  Chubs came back from Crystal City intent on needing something from Best Buy which he said he would buy with his own cash, who am I to say no to that?
    Wife needs to get some books at Barnes And Noble so that is another pit stop.  I need a new book to read.  Honestly, I have too many heavy thinking books and I just don't feel like breaking into them, but I am trying to read at least one book a month, and I have fallen behind big time. 
    At least we are no longer in a money crunch, with the selling of my truck, we are breathing fine.  We can afford to go out to eat a couple times, if we choose.  Speaking of money, I still need to do our bills for this week, Wife just got paid today.
    Wife is in a cleaning frenzy.  Since I was consumed with Chub's room, I didn't really do much of anything else, but really, I also didn't make much of a mess.  I dirtied three underwear and three pair of socks, and three T-shirts.  I wear the same pants all week now, since I have been wearing the goofy compression socks that go up all the way to my knees.  I thought painting would be more important, as it is a once and done activity.

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