Thursday, July 13, 2017

7/13/17 I Read People Need A Second "Hustle" To Make It Nowadays?

    I would've scoffed at that notion a couple years ago, but yet here we are.  I was about taking batting swings in the warm-up box thinking I was going to be our family's first Uber driver after the bullshit pay cut I got at work.  It was very touch and go there for a moment, I was either going to have to cut some things like cable and air conditioning, the alarm, and thin our insurances to the bone.  We did all that, actually.  We got rid of getting rental cars in the event of an accident or if our cars were not drivable.  We returned a cable box, when we determined we didn't need it, when I figured all these efforts were not going to be enough I bit the bullet and sold my truck.  It hurt my ego, but as everyone tells me, nobody cares about that, just me, so it's alright.
    As soon as I sold my truck, and even managed to walk away with ~$3500 the sun came back out.  I was then able to pay off the last year on our RV with the leftover money.  As luck would have it, I also cashed in most of my AMD stock for another ~$4000 and paid off Target and Dillard's and some of my medical bills. and lowered the Best Buy card.
    It turns out we already had a second hustle as that article was saying.  We have been renting empty rooms in our house ever since we bought a house, back in 1996.  Both my brothers have lived with me, currently I have two renters and am making money from something that would sit empty 99% of the time.  My family likes to rattle the pans and make a lot of noise about not being able to visit because they don't have private rooms to stay in, but Mr. Attorney would visit once or twice a year before, even if he was passing by every other weekend to go watch baseball or whatever in Dallas.  I have never thought of telling him or my sister, "hey, I would visit more often, but you don't have a room for me, so too bad."
    Anyways, getting back to the "hustle", I always kind of envisioned people staying with us for extended amounts of time.  I even joke with my mom that she could move in in her old age, but the thought makes her nervous.  I think we live a pretty awesome life when we aren't all consumed with work.  As soon as Wife can come back, I will focus my efforts on getting another boat, that has to be at the top of my wants/needs list.  I hate sitting home summer days, and not having anything better to do.  Since my leg has been shitty, I can accept this year as a down year, but I can only stay down so long.  We will get to the point where I can squirrel away all the rent money once we are done paying my medical bills to give a fat down payment on the perfect boat, even if it isn't a pontoon, Wife!

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