Sunday, July 2, 2017

7/2/17 "I Didn't Even Want To Paint My Room, But If He Gets New Paint, So DO I?

    We managed to paint Boy's room last night, all in one glorious six hour period.  It was quite hard and a major pain in the ass.  He must have had 80% of his wall covered in posters and framed art, the boy has a thing for cartoon boobs.  As we were painting, I said something like "well, the room really did need a new paint job, your walls look horrible", even soda and food stains here and there.  He says "ehh, I wasn't even thinking of painting my room, it looks fine, but if you're going to paint Chub's room, I want new free paint too."  Spoken like a boy after my own heart. 
    His room has looked more and more like the equivalent of a hamster cage.  He has his sleeping corner, his side where he exercises (his brain), a mound of unused clothes, which is where we think he poops when he doesn't leave his room for long periods of time.  All joking aside, he also has tons of video games, board games, and electronic doodads where he says this is the controller for a flight simulator, this is the controls for a two player game, if I build a box and make it look like an arcade.  Everything in his room is a unique piece of this or that, which means we couldn't just start throwing stuff away.
    Originally, his room was painted cream and red.  The smaller walls were red and the longer ones were cream.  This looked fine for awhile, but eventually, all the poking on the walls hanging artwork made holes and then he attempted to fix them with plaster which made things worse.  The new color was his choice, but again, he just tells me the color, but doesn't want to go to the Home Depot.  He chose like a gun metal grey, which I don't know if it exists by the exact name, but we will find out.  Between Wife and I, we chose a color called "calligraphy", seemed perfect and not too dark.
    I told Boy with all the clutter in his room, maybe we would do a wall tonight, and then decide on what direction to go.  He then decided he wanted a full makeover and the wall where he has his TV is now where he put his bookshelves.  His TV is now where the bookshelves were.  His desk is to be replaced by a sofa.  His dresser was swapped by the bed and the overall effect is less room to call his bedroom a sleeping room and more space to call it an entertainment center.
    The other major reason he wanted change is because we got him a new 60" TV.  He was a little pissed when we got Chubs the new Nintendo Switch, and quickly said we needed to make things fair and right by buying him a 4K television and the clarity is amazing.  I was up with him until 6:00am.  I did most of the painting and then bolted the base of the TV holder to the wall.  He said he would handle the rest, so he could take his time.  He continued until 9:00am, but it is still a mess in his room and the hallway coming out to the steps.  But when he does finish, that room will look pretty great.

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