Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/9/17 I Profess A Process To Success So Suck This?

    Last year sucked, financially, there is no way around it.  Because we changed companies of who prints our checks and stuff, I did not have a full tally for the year, but dammit, when I finally put the two W-2s together I could barely believe how much less money I made.  I was closer to 2008, when I was furloughed and didn't work for the equivalent of three months, than any of the previous sixteen years or so.  I had a feeling it was something like that, so a couple months ago I started doing some ground work and I figured that the best place to be is where we are the busiest.  That turns out to be the Chemistry group.  Three years ago I had started training over there, but then they hired someone and I was sent back to imaging.  That person did not end up doing the same thing I was doing, so there was still a void. 
    I love imaging and I was quite happy back when we had a customer who was drowning us in work, but that just meant we could practically work as much OT as we could handle.  The part that sucks is that we haven't been that busy in about two years.  We stay busy enough, but not to the point where they are going to ask me to come in on a Friday.  So, I threw my hat in the ring and offered myself again to chemistry.  I am trying to learn everything I can promptly so if they change their minds, I will have the knowledge and they won't have a choice but to include me.
    The best part is that I heard they had won a new contract, which means a regular volume of work from a new customer.  My trainer was saying they are going to be sending 5 samples a day, which must be analyzed within three days.  Considering they get dumped on all the time and they had a period where they were inundated with work before this contract, it should bode well here pretty soon.  My hope is to ride a wave of OT into the summer and fall, hoping it lasts awhile.  My shift has been changed for the next few/couple of months, so I can get more 1 on 1 time with my trainer, and I hope that between having me sit at home on Mondays or letting me come in and do some OT, I will be allowed to work OT to keep up with the hectic demands of this new customer.
    I might not be able to match the craziness of a couple years ago when I seemed to be working non-stop, but I need some more working hours.  The only reason I work a compressed shift and night time is because I am a whore for the almighty dollar. 

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