Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2/15/17 Playing Defense All The TIme?

    Why do some people insist on always defending what their side is?  I don't even care what their side is, or that they defend, but in the juvenile way that they do it.  This new president specially seems to be bringing out the animal in a lot of us.  I have brought up for instance "I don't think it's cool that Trump gets to plug stuff for his daughter on national TV through Kellyanne Conway, that is ridiculous."  Yeah but Clinton and Benghazi.  These Simpletons are thinking they are winning arguments this way.  First of all, Hillary is not president, second, I give two shits what happens in some third world village I can't locate on a map.  Third, I finally read the Benghazi incident and all I got out of it is that as Secretary of State Hillary could have assigned more troops to guard the embassy.  Benghazi is in Libya, why is anyone surprised and/or shocked the embassy was attacked?  That goes so perfectly with "trouble in the middle east."  This lovely chant has been jokingly making the rounds since Chevy Chase was doing Saturday Night Live in the late 70s.  Whether 3 guards or 100, if they decide they are going to attack, people will die.  We can't have an army protecting everyone, that costs money.  Why is the count of diplomats different than the count of army personnel?  They are all making their living in the same shitty sand pit.
    Trump won, we on the left have all accepted it, how about people on the right stop defending by bringing up history of candidates that didn't win.  Defend by explaining why they keep doing stupid shit and stay on point.  This signing of documents at Mar-A-Lago, his country club where you have to pay $200,000 a year to join, needs a big What The Fuck?!?!  Instead of putting his food down and going to another room where it would be more private, Trump and Japan's Prime Minister kept dining amongst the rich elite and the waiters kept coming with salads, then main courses.  The talks were concerning North Korea and the use of rockets they are not supposed to be using.  Papers were eventually signed by the light of other's cell phones, none of this was a security risk?  Defend this, without bringing up Hillary, because I don't care about the past.  Just at least agree this guy is kind of a dodo.
    On a more local level, Wife gets like this quick.  If I hear my Dad is messing around those casinos in Crystal, I usually go off on a little "dammit, Idiot Man is going to get busted one of these days, and then what?"  She'll sit there and agree with me that those casinos are a nuisance, at the very least.  But, the second I bring up anything negative about her family, even if it is just conversation between us, she goes on the defense.  I brought up that I was worried about her sister going down the same path as another family member who is now addicted to pain meds.  She hurt her shoulder, at work, and I just don't like people using the opioids, they are too addicting.  I got prescribed Vicodin after a surgery, but I chose not to use it, Ibuprofin did the job just fine.  Of course, Wife's response is "you don't know the pain she is under, you just sit on your fat ass at work for twelve hours, it's different."  I tried one more comparing my shoulder and every time I try lifting above 300 pounds, it feels like I have a tear or something in my shoulder that hurts as I move up and down.  Of course, Wife "that is not the same as cutting this and or that for ten hours, and I need to be more understanding, we all feel different amounts of pain...."  I finally conceded, fine, whatever, not my problem if she gets addicted.  This is what I get for listening and paying attention and then pretending to care.  Better to just sit and put headphones on.

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