Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2/22/17 Chubs Is Learning To Cook?

    I don't know where exactly it came from, but Chubs likes the idea of cooking.  I, on the other hand, hate it.  If I must cook, I usually try to grill whatever outside.  The last couple of weeks, Chubs has slowly been getting involved doing different noodles and rice.  I especially don't like these foods as they are really just filler to subsidize the meat, to me.
    Either way, he started I think Super Bowl Sunday, he made a pan of spiral noodles, complete with a red sauce that gave them just enough kick and flavor.  The first time I was with him the whole time, but since then, he has wanted to just take off and do his own thing.  I told him he better not try to cook while there is no adult around, and he reluctantly said ok.  As long as I am in the kitchen, he has made Kraft Macaroni and cheese, helped me with spaghetti and meatballs, "fideo", and tonight he made Velveeta shells.  Wife is slowly explaining each of the noodles, saying that rice is the hardest and why.  I would rather not bother with this stuff, but if he is going to make it, I guess, I will eat it.
    What scared me was last week as I was leaving for work, I asked him what he was going to eat for dinner, and he very casually said he was going to make some macaroni and cheese.  I stopped in my tracks and told him he better not!  It is one thing when we are around, but I don't need him having an accident because he thinks he knows better.  He does usually enjoy a panini daily at night.  I am ok with that because the device works like a toaster.  He makes a sandwich, essentially, then throws it in the panini press and voila!, hot sandwich.
     I feel bad that since I am at work, most nights he heats up a frozen pizza of some kind, or a hot pocket, or any other thing that can go in the microwave.  There are some ok selections, but we just don't buy them often enough, like those frozen meals that have a serving of vegetables, or some of those Lean Cuisine Pasta Bowls.  He doesn't really complain, and when we go to the store, I do give him and Boy choices, and I ask them for anything specific.  Boy eats like a worm though.  I went to the store Monday night (yesterday) and I asked him what do you want for eating, anything?  "Get me some salads" was the best he could come up with.  It is only for a few days a week, like this week, I work Tuesday through Thursday nights, so I cooked Monday night, and since I made BBQ, I try to make enough that we have leftovers for a couple of nights.  I will eat whatever is left Tuesday and Wednesday, they either usually forget or don't like this option, I still say I am providing them with that option.
    There was an episode back in the day when King Of The Hill was on TV where Bobby Hill got to eating too many servings of processed meats, like bolognas and stuff at a deli counter, and he developed gout.  As a result, he couldn't take his girlfriend Connie to a dance.  Wife and I worry that the same thing could happen to Chubs with all his panini sandwiches.  We always try to keep Oscar Mayer bologna, ham, and turkey.  I don't know if that is good or bad, but this weekend he did put on a shirt we had bought him last year, and even some shorts that said 38, when he has been wearing 40-42 all year.  Maybe being without mama's cooking, he has finally lost a little weight.

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