Friday, February 10, 2017

2/10/17 Wife Is Turning 39, Again?

    Happy Birthday Big Girl, love you.  Once again, it is Wife's special day.  As she told me a few years ago, she will be 39 again and again and again.  We are probably going to have to wait until Saturday night to celebrate since she is living in Crystal City while working in La Pryor and won't be getting home until late in the day.  She mentioned meeting in San Antonio, having Chubs and myself ride with Boy and his crew, then Chubs and I can ride with her after we eat somewhere with her family.  I don't really like the idea of putting Boy in a position of having to bring his friends with us, although they do seem to get together every Friday, I don't want to commit and then have Boy not bring anyone and then he has to drive back alone.
    I told her it would be better to wait until Saturday, so we don't have to rely on Boy's friends, Boy then told me he had booked himself to working double shifts Saturday and Sunday, so he is only available to join us Friday night.  We might just end up going to eat Friday night somewhere nice here in Austin, just the four of us.  One thing is for sure, I have been told "no purses" for birthday gifts.  She actually said don't buy anything, but specifically no more purses.  She still has two new ones she got in Disney she hasn't had a chance to break in.  I am always at a loss as to what to give her,
    I have to say I bit off a bit more than I realized, when we decided it would be a good idea for her to take a job out of town.  I figured with my night shift schedule, we only sleep together on the weekends, and she is here on the weekends, but there is so much more she brings to my life than my sleeping partner I didn't take into account.  She is our family doctor, I love how she will take over and baby us anytime we feel a little sick.  Always quick to make a "caldo" (soup) with cabbage and her other voodoo stuff.  We got sick a few weeks ago, and I spent my time leaning against the door jamb not wanting to touch Chubs even though Wife would've gotten in there hugging and kissing him to make him feel better, she is just a better human than me.  She is also my perfect companion when we have nothing to do.  Sometimes I just want to lay in bed and read on the computer and she sits in the room and watches TV, not really doing the same thing, but I still throw out my smart ass comments when I hear the cheesy dialogue of the crappy shows she watches and even if it's her shows, she'll agree with me, but tells me to shut up anyways.
    Even when we have nothing better to do but watch TV, she always lets me choose what to watch first, she records plenty of shows for herself, but she watches that when I am not around.  She puts us in front of herself and maybe I didn't realize this so much, she is really pretty great.  We may be stuck doing what we are doing and maybe she continues working over there for another year or two, but I will certainly be glad when she is able to come back.  I can keep us going here, nobody is going to starve to death, the house will stay clean-ish, but we won't really be living the high life until Miss Bossy Pants gets that big butt back living under her own roof.
    Here's hoping you are terrorizing those feeble minds that oppose you at work, you are on the side of right, keep up the good work.  Love you.

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