Thursday, February 2, 2017

2/2/17 The More The Merrier?

    Over the years, we have had our share of roommates.  I have to admit, I like having extra people around.  I feel that the more people around to talk to, the better things are.  If we go back all the way to Wife's and I first apartment, my brother, the lawyer one, stayed with us for about two years while he was living in Austin going to UT.  We had a 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit and we stayed on the UT bus route to help him out.  Eventually, we bought our first house and I want to say he stayed with us for a bit, at least until he graduated.
    After he moved out, we had Wife's sister and her best friend move in with us.  We were in our first house, and at the time it was us and Boy, who was a baby/small guy.  Wife's sister and her best friend shared the third bedroom at our first house and it was nice.  The best friend would leave every weekend, because she had a daughter who lived in the small town she was from.  I believe the daughter stayed with her grandma during the week.  At a certain point, Wife's sister was laid off and the best friend remained.  It was a little awkward, but she spent all her time at work, and left on the weekends, so we didn't interact much with her.
    After she got laid off, at some point, my younger brother moved in with us for the first time.  He decided to try Austin living after graduating from UTSA.  My sister had just married and her and her husband were living in Austin too, but not with us.  They almost bought a house, but never pulled the trigger and then decided it would be easier to raise kids back home.
    Because we had people in and out, I wanted a big house, I like having the ability to help people this way.  After my brother moved out and tried the oil fields, Boy had a friend move in with us, for their Senior year, it started out good, but we were glad when it ended.  Boy had another friend stay with us for a couple months last year.  I thought it was going to last awhile, but he got a girlfriend knocked up and is currently playing house somewhere.
    The last person living with us is Girlie, she has been with us since about November, but rarely actually stays at the house.  She still wants to be with her family, but they are in too small of an apartment.  She loves having a walk in closet in our house and the privacy of a room, and usually she comes over a couple nights a week.  This week she brought a girlfriend over with her and we discussed the possibility of her staying with us in a similar fashion, where she would be there a few nights during the week.  She is doing an internship in Round Rock, and has not quit her job in San Marcos, so she is running back and forth.  We've met this other girl a couple times over the last 4 years or so.  She graduated from Tx. State in December and is trying to figure out where she is going to make her life.

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