Friday, February 3, 2017

2/3/17 What Is Up With All These Cops?

    Most of the time, I don't really worry about the speed limit driving to and from the house here in Austin.  It is rare to see cop cars, well cop SUVs patrolling randomly.  Tonight, however, I must have seen about ten just in my short drive to the house.  I go home for lunch in south Austin, but with all the construction on I-35, I have started using backroads.  So I went past the I-35 exit and used Congress from Ben White.  There was a cop parked by the old railroad tracks.  I thought hmm, must be waiting on speeders, alright.  After getting past him, I noticed there was another one about three or four car lengths in front of me.  By the time I got to William Cannon, there was another one.  By this time I thought that is not a coincidence, and then there were two by the junkyards, looked like they had a car pulled over.  I thought wow, that is what I get for going off the highway.  Things should be back to normal on Slaughter, but no.  There were two more SUV cop vehicles coming out behind the Walmart area.  I figure there must have been something going on, but what?
    I looked at a local website and found that tonight Austin is at the center of these "Sanctuary Cities" and there were hundreds of protesters downtown.  Say what you want about Trump, he is getting people involved in politics.  We didn't used to give a shit what those old white men were doing whether here in the Capital or in Washington DC, but thanks to Trump, we might all get a little more educated and interested in following what our powerful puppet masters are up to.
    I guess this was enough energy to allow for a little overtime in the police ranks to make sure nothing spilled over into the neighborhoods, and that is why I saw so many police vehicles driving around.  I'm not sure how I feel about this sanctuary city thing?  On the one hand, I don't really want people here that don't belong here, working and not paying taxes.  On top of that the children then get a free education, and even additional resources have to be used because these kids are being taught in Spanish only classes.  I didn't have a thought on that until my last supervisor told me he came from Poland, was thrown into our school system, in Chicago, I believe, and told go, learn the language.  There was no coddling in his own language. 
    I am against the police force being used to round up illegals, when most of them are harmless and have been here for decades doing the shit work, nobody else will do.  The police motto is to protect and serve.  I would be nervous if we become a police state, of course they would say it's for our safety, but my dad mentions checkpoints used to exist.  He always tells me just be cool, show your license and insurance and you'll move along.  I've been driving in Austin since 1991 and have never encountered a checkpoint.  I would hate if that is what we became.  I can't imagine if they start rounding up Mexicans, one of our friends wouldn't eventually run into some sort of confusion and accidental trouble with the law.

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