Wednesday, November 9, 2016

11/9/16 Seems We Swung Back To Red?

    Like I said, shitty choices lead to this.  Our newest president is sexist, if anything.  Maybe we'll be lucky enough to see that old mainstay from movies of the 70's where we can call our female coworkers "Honey" and "Sweetheart" and the ass slap will come back in vogue, as a form of appreciation, of course.  If it is good enough behavior for our President, why not the rest of us?  If we get cornered we can just say "oh, lighten up, boys will be boys."
    Creepers can also feel a little safer knowing our new President does not have a problem checking out his own daughter, quoted back in March 2006.  “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter,  perhaps I’d be dating her.”  He put out a statement afterwards that he was joking, awesome incest joke Mr. President.  Of course with even more power, it should be easier as he was explaining that women just throw themselves at him.  "Just go in for the kiss, don't even wait, when you're a star, they let you.  Then there's his power move "just grab them by the pussy."  That is so refreshing, good to know how to get things done, Sir.
    How about a little racism, it's funny!!  From a 1991 book quoting Trump as saying "Laziness is a trait in the blacks."  This was in reference to an employee being discussed and how he needed to come up to speed, Trump half defending him saying he can't help it..."Laziness..."  The part that scares me is this he said his followers were "passionate" after being told two men beat a Hispanic homeless man in Trump's name.  This gives me chills in thinking if a couple of lynch mobs start operating, as long as they attack minorities, our good president will just play it down and maybe chuckle a bit.
    On Nuclear weapons Trump said he might use them, and then questioned why would we make them if we wouldn't use them?  This is more than scary, I hope Congress still has testicles to counter him and not give him carte blanche like they did Bush when he needed to invade Iraq (where is all that evidence that they were involved in 9/11?).  Oh yeah, Mr. Trump isn't really a fan of soldiers, on John McCain "He's not a war hero, I like people that weren't captured."  With 5 deferments from the Vietnam War, he still boasts "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." and finally, how about "Members of the military shouldn't get paid for their service.  It's a person's obligation to defend their country and maintain it's greatness, and they should do it not for a paycheck, but because they are patriots."  This out of his mouth while he took 5 medical deferments and did not serve.
    I don't honestly care either way, change might be good, an outsider might be some welcome change to all those fuckers wasting oxygen in Washington DC and not giving back to the people.  A Republican ultimately is good for the people that carry this country financially, so I am good.  I'm not out shopping for abortions, so if they get taken away with a more conservative Supreme Court, good.  There will be an increase in unwanted kids, and there is a correlation that this leads to more crime, but Wife and I are already talking about moving to a double gated community, if Whitey will have us, so again, we are good.  All you right to lifers remember to be generous when the unemployable population keeps rising, cause those peeps like to reproduce if nothing else.  They don't like to support their creations, they just like to make them.

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