Saturday, November 12, 2016

11/12/16 The Magnificant Seven (Movie)

    We went and watched this movie a couple weekends ago.  I honestly am not a fan of this type of movie, it is a remake of an old western classic, and I guess it had a couple of interesting guys in the cast, most notably our newest hero Chris Pratt who is everywhere and Denzel Washington as the lead, Chisolm.  There was also Ethan Hawke, who time is not being kind to, and Vincent D'onofrio, who always takes me back to Full Metal Jacket when I see him, freaking Private Leonard "Gomer Pyle" Lawrence.  The rest of the cast is not as big a names or did not seem so to me.
    It is a simple premise, a bully (Bartholomew Baroque, played by Peter Sarsgaard) has shown up on a small town and he is forcing himself as the law, offering to buy out people if they don't like it or he'll have them shot.  It seems ridiculous, but I guess those were lawless times or the law was only as good as the people in place upholding the law.  Enter Chisolm, a bounty hunter looking for his bounty in the area when one of the few brave souls, a woman who has lost her husband to the bully, confronts Chisolm and offers him "everything" the citizens of the town have of value if he will come and fight for them.  She mentions the name of the bad guy and suddenly it is a matter of personal vendetta.  It is not drawn out, a simple showing of some scars on his neck indicate Chisolm has had his own run-ins with Bartholomew, so he agrees to take this into his own hands.
    He rounds up six other guys, each with his own special skills, only the character played by Pratt has a sense of humor, all the other guys are constantly practicing their tough guy faces all day long.  Pratt is the only one cracking wise for the camera, upon seeing the Vincent D'onofrio character proclaims "look, a bear in people's clothing!"  I thought it was pretty funny.
    They gather and set up the final scene after dispersing with the twenty or so guards that were left to control the city and the mine.  We see the usual shenanigans, explosives set up here and there, people with guns in trenches that are camouflaged, everybody where they can best put their skills to use.  For some reason that is not clear the Ethan Hawke character is an excellent marksman, but he is having a hard time shooting his gun.  Of course, he comes through at the very end to help out.  About three of the Magnificant Seven die, but of course, the good guys do prevail in the end.  In the end, peace is restored to this sleepy town, and I guess everything can go back to normal, as we see the Magnificent Four left over ride into the sunset.
    I only saw the movie because Boy wanted to and we get tickets for free.  It still cost us like $60-$70 bucks for all the popcorn, pizzas and pretzels we eat.  I'm not sure it was worth it, but we did go as a family.  They changed the butter at Alamo Drafhouse and I am not sure I like the popcorn now.  It was much blander now.

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