Tuesday, November 8, 2016

11/8/16 Time For A New Leader?

    Time for a new millionaire to lead us.  We are so lucky, we get to choose between two candidates that two political powerhouses allow us to vote for.  Usually, it had been between old white men who put in their time and eventually moved it on up.  Finally, we had a black man break through and that seemed encouraging, but eight years passed and I'm not sure anything was accomplished.  During his first term there was a lot about healthcare and all Americans should have access to it.  Great, except the version we got has us workers paying for the unemployables in increased insurance premiums.  Luckily, Wife works so I don't have to put everyone on my insurance, but these jackals expect a normal family to pay $600-700 a month in insurance, for that just in case feeling of coverage.
    We will possibly have the first woman leading us, and that seems interesting.  Surely, a woman would not be so callous and throw us into another war?  But of course, nothing can ever be smooth, Mrs. Clinton has more skeletons in her closet than Bill had mistresses when he was in power.  I know her stuff can't be as bad as Trump is declaring, you can find all over YouTube old clips where Trump praises Hillary over and over again.  Nevertheless, there is something there, but how did she end up our best candidate for the Democratic Party?
    The other option is also different in that he is not a career politician which I like, on paper.  Trump scares me though in that he just vomits what people want to hear.  He has thrown out quite a bit of hate to different minority groups, which would be fine, but it seems to have lit a fire on those who secretly are racist.  He can say what he wants, I doubt he is sending Mexicans back to Mexico.  Those morons screaming "they're taking our jobs!" sound freaking ignorant.  Go ahead, go pick fruits and vegetables, do all the shitty jobs they do.  I still say if houses are getting built by Mexicans and illegals, fine the builders.  If KB homes or Meritage, or whatever other giant house builder was fined, this practice would disappear overnight. 
    I did hear a sound bite from Trump about he was going to push for term limits for Congress.  That would be something good.  We need new blood and ideas leading us.  This aholes take up residence and then fight tooth and nail to keep their roles like they are doing us a favor.  It was not supposed to be that way.  Serve your country, for a minimum wage and get the fuck out of there.  Instead, they set up their own pay, their own insurance premiums, their own retirement pensions, where is the system of checks and balances?  There is no way Congress would allow term limits to pass for them, they got it too good.
    I hated Bush and his ignorance, but he came and went.  I expected more from Barrack, but he has come and gone.  Whatever new turd we dress up with the American flag pin on their suit, they too will eventually come and go.  Will we really notice a difference, whether blue or red wins?

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