Wednesday, November 16, 2016

11/16/16 Battling The Weather Like A Cheap-o?

    I find myself battling the weather in weird ways this time of year.  I know there is cold weather coming this weekend, so I am almost refusing to turn on the air conditioner.  I know to some of you this makes me sound like a monster, but I am monitoring the house closely and playing on the delayed effects of good insulation.  Yesterday ended up being a warm day, and according to the forecast, we have two more warm days before our first big cold front, so I am opening the windows when I can, then closing them at night, at least downstairs so I can set the alarm.
    When I went to bed yesterday, it was cool enough for two thin blankets, then by the time I woke up, the house was reading about 75, which is near my threshold.  I went and picked up Chubs, we ate, then got back home about 5:20pm.  I immediately opened the windows downstairs and put a couple box fans on the windows to blow cool air into the house.  Once the sun starts setting, the heat dissipates from the air almost instantly.  I left and I could feel most rooms feeling cool.  I then came home for lunch and downstairs it was still cool and comfortable, almost cold washing the dishes with a big open window right there.  I ate and watched a show, then I went downstairs to go use my bathroom, and it was totally different upstairs.  Chubs, out of fear, has a habit of closing his windows, and he must have done that earlier because his room was toasty, like a heater was on.  I opened two windows, added another box fan to the guest room and noticed our room was also very stuffy, so I opened an extra window and put a fourth box fan on that window.  By the time I finished farting and stuff, I noticed our bedroom was not stuffy anymore, and more importantly Chub's room was quite comfortable, all the heat was gone.  I don't worry about Boy because he wears a jacket in the summer, that boy is always cold.
    It just doesn't seem right to turn on the air conditioners in November.  I am hoping once we get past these last two days, we will be in cooler weather.  I know it is wishful thinking as there have been plenty of Christmases gone by when we were in the 80's.  Oh well, as long as my boys don't complain, I will keep doing what I am doing.  I figure it is fair, since I am not running A/C for myself, I shouldn't run it for them.  Same goes for cold days, I don't expect to fire up the house heater until sometime in January, if we need to.  I hate when I am paying for A/C and I come home at night for lunch and it is colder outside than in the house.

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