Saturday, November 26, 2016

11/27/16 God Works In Mysterious Ways?

    God always comes up when my mother in law shows up.  I enjoy poking holes at her logic, she kindly tells me to straighten out before I end up going "down there" as she points to the floor.  We hadn't seen them much since Wife started her new job, by the time she gets into town Friday night, she just wants to rest here, but it is Thanksgiving and my in laws always join us for the holiday.  The first thing we talked about was my leg gash and I was counting the seconds for her to bring the big G up and sure enough within three minutes she was on it.  I was going on about my gash healing slowly showing them the progress week by week and then after she asked so everything is ok now?  Sarcastically, I say "well, if you really want to get into it?  No."  I then went into explaining my blood tests and my low testosterone, bad thyroid, and low Vitamin D.  None are life threatening, but I know I need to get them in order.  I am glad to know I am not diabetic as everyone was thinking my fat ass should be. 
    She casually went into her thought that she noticed when we were in Florida last year that I kept falling asleep every time we slowed down, something must be wrong.  Of course, I have just been insisting that it is because I am overweight and I don't rest enough.  Now I know that the three things wrong are each affecting my ability to stay awake like a normal human.  She then said well God intervened and by you getting hurt, it forced you to go to the doctor and now you know what is wrong with you.  I had to retort "so God made the lawn mower throw that metal stake at my leg which felt like a baseball bat being swung at my leg?"  "That God of yours is not subtle, wow."  She did not skip a beat and just said "yes, but you see, now you'll get better, thanks to God."  About all I can say is "hmmm."
    This kind of logic reminds of the joke I've seen on Pinterest credited to Al Pacino "I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way.  So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."  The big Guy doesn't do anything physical, but as soon as something happens to get you across the bridge and a problem solved, well, it was due to God, is what the religious will always say.
    My mom also said a "thanks to God for my leg getting better."  I said "umm, how about thanks to the medical people and their knowledge, they are the ones physically making me better."  She, of course gives credit once again to God working through the doctors and nurses to heal me.  What can you do with that logic?  Take an aspirin for the headache I guess.

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