Sunday, November 6, 2016

11/6/16 Why Are We Still Doing The Freaking Time Warp?

    I have always heard that we do this time warp dance twice a year for the farmers.  Looking up the data on Google, farmers and ranchers make up less than 2% of the US population, so why are we bending backwards for them?  In the fall it is not so bad, I guess, we supposedly gain an hour when we move the hour hand back one hour at 2:00am this Saturday night.  It does hurt more in the Spring when we move it forward and suddenly you lose an hour, for no good reason.
    At least in the Time Warp song, we get to dance... it's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right! Put your hands on your hips, and bring your knees in tight.  But it's the pelvic thrust, that really drives you insane!!!  repeat ad nauseam.  At least we only hear this song around the Halloween season and it is catchy and fun the first few times.
    The real time change leaves us scrambling around in the dark by 6:00pm for the next half of the year.  Who cares if the sun is barely rising at 8:00am, farmers can't get up later?  I never understood that.  Just because they like to go feed their animals and ride their farm tractors at the crack of dawn, it is our government's job to keep the crack of dawn near 6:00am?  Honestly, 90% of the country is still attempting to do commerce at 6:00pm, with parents stopping for dinner, people headed home from work, even shopping starts picking up in the fall as the Christmas season is just about upon us.  This big chunk of the population might benefit from a little extra light, maybe even reduce a couple extra rapes in dark parking lots or robberies in sketchy parking garages.  Farmer Bob can work in the dark, for all I care, or he can learn to sleep in and take care of Farmer Jane a little longer in the morning.
    I applaud the few areas that say fuck it, we don't recognize your time change, and just don't bother doing it.  Only two states have the big cajones to not bother most of Arizona and Hawaii.  The logic historically was that there was an energy savings by moving when light was available, but that has been disputed.  There is only so much daylight to go around in the shorter fall and winter days.  If you try and improve the morning, you are only going to mess up the evening.  Since I work nights, none of this helps me, really, I just see us doing a stupid dance twice a year because Uncle Sam says so.
    Twenty minutes into this time change, and I have to say, "what do these machines think they are, changing time without our input?"  Wait, I am confused... Thought I got in bed from falling asleep around2:00am, the analog clock that wakes us hasn't changed, I thought the official thing was to change at 2:00, back to 1:00am.  Hmmm?  Oh well, it'll all work itself out.

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