Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11/29/16 Post Thanksgiving Blues?

    Thanksgiving week came and went.  I can't remember taking a week off from work and just hanging around the house and not really going anywhere.  Sounds lame but they might call it a staycation in the movies.  Anyways, Wife is lingering around like the smell of turkey in our fridge for a couple more days.  I kid, I kid, it was really awesome having our woman with us for a whole week.  I will admit it took a day or two of getting used to having her home.  I cleaned the house like a madman Thursday and Friday before she got home only to have her try and bust my balls for not getting all the Christmas decorations up and a couple other minor small things.  When you take the lead on something and then another person shows up to essentially take over, it can be a bit of a power trip handing over the whip, or whatever metaphor you might want to use.  I remember going to bed thinking F you, I've been doing the best I can, I am still working 12 hour shifts, I don't know why you think I can sit around cleaning all day long, you know my lazy crew hardly helps.  I was over it by the next day, but it took a bit.
    The rest of the week was good, we stayed up late most every night, caught up with most our shows that we watch together, and she spent even more time watching her own crappy girl shows, like Scream Queens, and anything with vampires.  Big question at this point concerning the last week is how much longer can we keep eating the leftovers before we get sick? 
    I came in to work Monday night for the first time in a 12 days and it was great to be gone and take a break from the same old thing, and it was a little scary too.  I always get nervous that things will change drastically while I am gone, but no, I came back to the same kind of samples we were working on before the break.
    Wife leaves today back to my folk's home for the rest of the week, only to come back Friday night.  Next week she mentioned she might be able to sign up for a conference that would have her in town from Tuesday through the weekend.  If so, that means she would have one more week after that and then she would be here for two solid weeks.  That is starting to sound great, plus the fact we already did probably 80%of our Christmas shopping, we've kept it real low key, so we did not get into debt like we usually do, the holidays may actually be relaxing here in a few weeks. 

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