Saturday, April 2, 2016

4/3/16 Saturday Blahs?

    First off, I know my problems are always non-problems, but they are still a hassle.  It seems that Wife has loaded her Saturdays with college tours and outside activities with her kids at school.  She wanted to make sure and have enough money for our trip to Florida, and knowing that my OT has been sporadic at best, she is carrying this trip on her shoulders.  I am doing the best I can.  With every paycheck I get, we are giving Chubs $20.  He has $420 at this point.  He should be close to $500 when we go.  I'll match Boy, probably, but if I give him the money now, he's liable to go order a game online, or go get that stupid dog he was talking about yesterday.  I have had weekends where I work a bunch of OT, so we already saved up and paid the house we are staying at, and even the tickets to Disney were ordered and taken care of.  At this point, we need to know if we are going to Universal Studios or not to go ahead and buy those tickets.  We are only going to be there like 6 total days, and the idea of hitting all 4 Disney parks and then 2 Universal just sounds tiring.  I like knowing we have a couple days to be lazy and maybe even sleep late.
    Back to Saturdays, with Wife gone, I get to keep an eye on Chubs, and I don't mind, but now he is having more sleepovers, which means more boys to keep an eye on.  Last night he had three extra boys here, they are funny and loud, which I am real happy Chubs is having a fun time, but I still worry since they are under my care.  One of them had shoes that must have gotten wet or something, because they stunk up the whole room in like 5 minutes.  Wife went in their to say hi and was almost kicked out by the smell.  I thought she was exaggerating, but I went in there and could not believe the sting in my nose from the sharp smell.  I opened some windows and eventually told him to put his shoes outside in the balcony.  I was up all night, after picking up Chubs after school and going to Target to get the necessary snacks for his buddies, we came home and I napped for about two hours, nice not to have anything going on.  I was then not sleepy until about 5:30am.  The boys were still up, but I said whatever.  I woke up at 7:30am to pee and two of them were still up.  I told them to go to sleep and they did not argue.  Here we are, it is roughly 3:30pm, and I am waiting for the parent's to come around and pick up the boys.  We didn't give them a window, other than Saturday afternoon, but two of them are already gone.  We can't leave house until third one gets picked up.
    Boy wants to go to the mall and get some shirts, do I play Mr. Mom and take him, or wait for Wife, always wants to be involved, but I would rather she come home and take a little nap.  Boy is supposed to get us tickets for the Batman/Superman movie for tonight at 11:00ish pm.  I am also wanting to go look around Costco, we went and bought a membership, but it was about 5:50, and they close at 6:00 on the weekends.  I want to really walk each aisle and see what they got.  Of course Wife says "I want to go too."  So again, I got all the Saturday free, but nowhere to go.

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