Saturday, April 2, 2016

4/2/16 Boy's Request (Demand) For A Dog.... Is Denied?

    Boy got back from San Marcos tonight, and in true form to himself, there is no hi, how is it going?  Or any other formality.  He dropped his basket of dirty clothes in the kitchen and started talking about a dog he was going to get.  My first word was "uhh, no!"  Followed by "you want to say hello first, try it again, but like a human this time."  We asked where he planned to get this dog, he said at the shelter, we both said in unison, take it back, you are not prepared to care for a dog.  He was more interested in showing us what the dog would look like, and he does not disappoint, some German Malinois, almost like a smaller German Shepard.  That is way too much dog for your indoor loving ass, no.  He then argued that the dog would force him to go outside and exercise.  I said no, you're supposed to match the dog to you, and you never go outside, that dog will die of boredom.  Of course he had a back-up, how about a husky?  I said no, beautiful dog, but they belong in the cold weather, then in desperation he suggested a St. Bernard.  No, because he will cost more to feed than you.  His Hail Mary was "how about a Wolf hybrid?"  No, idiot!
    I almost like the idea of owning a dog, but we are not homebodies, we travel and we go periods of being extremely busy.  I know even with Boy promising it would be his dog, in reality, we would end up taking care of it.  Maybe it sleeps through the night, great for Wife and the boys, but we could not expect it to also sleep the next 6-7 hours to allow me to have a quiet house.  It would roam the house bored, probably chew up half the house.  The idea of it stresses me a bit.  I don't like saying no to my peeps, but this is one where it is for the best.
    I also don't like that they have a short life span, you get used to having a pet around and 15-20 years in (best case scenario), it goes and dies on you. Even worse, my mom had a Chihuahua only she liked, and in the end after biting all the grandchildren at least once, it got all sickly and went blind.  So nobody enjoyed the stupid dog (come on, it's a Chihuahua), and then you had to feel sorry for its rickety blind ass.
    Back to Boy, though.  He is studying at a University.  We agreed he could stay in an apartment over there so he could experience living life on his own.  We want him free of responsibility so he could come and go freely as needed for study sessions, work study opportunities, maybe even dating.  I don't want him worried about some stupid dog requiring special care from him.
    If he needs something that loves him, he can bring his butt back home.  We are already considering that.  It would be no problem.  He has his room, in its same dirty condition as when he moved out a year ago.  He can commute in his Jeep, we both did it back when we went to college.  He did also mention tonight that they are moving to a house next year, but I thought his roommate was graduating and they were coming back to Austin to look for employment.  This is primarily why we have been thinking he will eventually come back home.  I think it's a tad late to get a dog and say you have your own place if in two months it will be summertime and your ass will be back home.

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