Saturday, April 16, 2016

4/16/16 Some BBQ For The Lady?

    Friday was as close to perfect as Central Texas can give you, weather wise.  I picked up Chubs and rushed over to our dentist in Southpark Meadows only to find out that is not where we had his appointment today.  I had called them to let them know we changed insurance and our current carrier is supposed to still be good, after they called that my insurance was not going to be active.  The lady up front was surprised to see us, but they were very pleasant and asked about how Boy's crown was going?  I said it was fine and then I remembered Chubs sees a pediatric dentist who knocks him out to do work in his mouth.  I had called him the day before, but I called Wife to explain the confusion, she said "oh yeah, they called in the morning, don't worry, they rescheduled for next month."  This was not going to dampen our spirits, the dentist is next door to Dunkin Donuts, and Chubs was dying to go in and have a chai tea he has had before.  I said fine, and we went in and hung out for a bit.  While we sat there, we decided to go walk around Best Buy to burn some time and wait for mama.
    Wife finally texted around 5:00pm that she was on her way, and she was urging for some Cooper's Old Time Pit BBQ.  We have been dieting hard core, but this sounded like a great idea.  As we were deciding this was a great idea and to pick up Boy on way to New Braunfels, Boy actually got home with his basket of dirty clothes and backpack full of homework.  I fully expected him to say he was busy, but he said it sounded good and he was hungry.  Wife was home at 6:00pm and we promptly got on our way.  We got going as part of the rush hour leaving south on I-35, and even if I was excited and Wife was full of storyline from her office, I started fading in the setting sun.  Luckily, we stopped in a random gas station in San Marcos, I got a tea, and some Mexican candy consisting of mango in chile and salt, and also a bag of small almonds.  The mango was super spicy and it seemed to help me loose my sleepiness.  Cooper's was busy, but the line was moving fairly fast and their dining area is very big.  We ate as much as we wanted, and even bought a little more to bring back home.
    We then had about an hour to go shopping, looking around.  There is a new shopping area by the Buc-ee's in New Braunfels, and Wife likes looking at the nick-knacks at Charming Charlie's.  We walked around and were quickly disgusted by the swarms of young kids walking around cussing and acting like bad-asses.  Most of these were middle school girl "gangs" yelling to each other obscenities which just made me think "y'all are stupid."  Just when I had decided the Mexican kids around here suck, plenty of white kids were out over by the Target being just as ignorant and dumb in english.  Wife said they were even throwing carts from Target down to roll away.  The night was still nice and we were able to walk through these gangs easy enough because they were little girls.  I told Wife this place needs an old van with "free candy" parked out here to make the stupid parents wake up and gather their kids.  For some reason they have all decided it is ok to let their kids roam freely and annoy the shoppers out here.  Nothing a friendly neighborhood rapist/kidnapper to clean up the wanna be ghetto behavior.
    We made a final stop at Buc-ee's, filled up with gas, went potty, and drove home.  Well, I drove to San Marcos, got sleepy, switched with Wife and she drove us the rest of the way.

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