Sunday, June 5, 2022

6/4/22 Snuper Sleepers?

     We were just relaxing, watching Hamilton for the 4th or 5th time when Wife noticed a small comment on Twitter from another parent of one of the football players on Mijo's team.  Apparently, a list of the top 50 Austin area linemen to look at was put out on by a writer, Daniel Snupe.  It is an honor to be included, for sure, but Mijo, being who he is, was more upset that his friend was not included on the list.  The parent who made the comment which popped up on Wife's twitter thing, jokingly said something like "our eyes are on you Baby A..." (Using the eyes emoji and Mijo's name).  I thought it was cute, his kid got put on the list, which is fine, but I agree that Mijo's friend is a solid player who should be getting noticed more, he played with a broken hand last year for half the season and I don't think he missed a game.

    Mijo's emotions clouded his thinking, and I don't think he enjoyed being mentioned because his buddy wasn't.  I'm not sure why some kids get noticed and others kind of blend in with the background.  I want to think it has something to do with the parent involvement somehow.  Mijo has gotten put on the 2nd Team all-district list the last two years (Coach said he fought to get him on 1st Team, but the record of the team is involved in where you land, somehow, in the rankings).  This other kid that got mentioned also has parents that are there at every activity and he is also involved big time in the booster club, so we see them all the time.  The other parents are more of a blur, they pop in and out, but they don't get in there.  We've gotten to know the coaches, they know Mijo has our full support, and if the opportunity of playing football in college is there, we will do whatever we can to get our boy in there.  I don't know that other players have that kind of support, is the only reason I have to support my idea that parent involvement somehow matters.

    The other thing is the product on the field.  I have all his games on video, and I see that our son is involved in every play, giving it his 100%.  I can follow him even after the play is past him, he is still battling whoever is in front of him and he will then chase the play and still try to help, when he can.  That can't be taught, the player either has it or doesn't, and Mijo cares, he is not out there just going through the motions.  

    Best we could tell him to make him feel better is that there will be bunches of these lists all season long and if your friend plays strong and looks good, he will be noticed.  You have to worry about you, at the end of the day, your future is not written yet.  Last year, when we thought your shoulder was broken, it seemed like your season was over, for a second.  You never know what will happen, just enjoy the acknowledgement for what it is, if you are meant to keep playing post high school, then you'll be playing, and so will your teammates, if it is meant to be.  If not, I strongly believe that playing has made you a better person, and that cannot be taken away.

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