Tuesday, June 28, 2022

6/28/22 A Little June Rain?

     We finally got a little break from the constant +100-degree days we have been seeing lately.  This summer has been really over the top with its heat.  Normally, we don't start seeing repetitive 100-degree days until late July and into August, maybe the first few weeks of September.  Last week, I noticed that there were actually rain chances, which I was sure would disappear by the time Monday rolled around.  We were going through our normal Monday routine, I dropped off Mijo at weight training in the morning, then when I picked him up, he told me he would have to go to the 7v7 football scrimmage in the afternoon.  We have been going on Tuesdays, so it caught me off guard.  Still, I went to work figuring I would do as much as I could, take him and then if I needed to, I would come back after he was done.  Right as I was getting done with everything, I had started at 1:00pm, (I told him he would have to miss wrestling practice, I can't just be going back and forth all day with him, I do have a job) and was walking out the door, I got a notice on our sports ap that we communicate with the coaches with, that the 7v7 was cancelled for the day.  Since I was inside a building and had walked in at 1:00pm with the sun shining, I had not processed that actual rain was on its way.  I was kind of bothered that the event had been cancelled since I had been focused on work and rushing to finish on time to go and take my son.

    I then had the choice, I was still at work, but I had cleaned up and put everything away.  For a few minutes, I told myself, and even Wife that I was going to stay and do some extra work to get ahead for today, but there wasn't much I could start on without getting all the way committed and staying extra-long, so I said forget it and headed home.  It was dark and I was sure I wouldn't make it home without getting drenched, but I guess it held out.  I was already starting to think this was another BS fat cloud with no actual rain.  Wife got home, then we went to go eat at Busch's Chicken.  The rain pretty much caught us while we were eating.  We had to run in from the rain and then it rained hard while we sat and ate.  It was a pretty good treat to see the rain through the glass windows all around, like we were in some reverse aquarium.  We did not finish in a hurry, and just waited until the rain slowed down enough.

    We got home before 8:00pm and I don't know what happened to time, I guess I napped because I woke at 9:30 and was confused because I felt like I had slept for a long time, yet Wife was still awake and watching TV.  I then woke and was on my phone watching Tiktoks until 11:30pm, when I decided to come downstairs and play around on the laptop.  We are supposed to have on and off rain for the next couple days, it sounds nice.

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