Monday, June 27, 2022

6/27/22 Conservatives Should Have Taken The L On This One?

     I have been identifying as a new conservative since about 2017, once Trump helped me see the light.  Whether you can agree with that sentiment or not, we all have a right to our opinions and beliefs.  I am dumbfounded by this latest redress by the Supreme Court in regard to Roe V. Wade, which I don't think was being actively sought by anyone in particular.  Maybe there was a new pending case I wasn't aware of, there is so much going on with the other branches of government, it is hard to try and keep up with everything sometimes.

    My question is "Why now?"  Did we need more fuel to this fire that is our society?  It hasn't been able to relax and just stay home for a weekend without someone having to be out protesting/rioting, on behalf of some group since around 2016.  Between BLM, Covid, the war in Ukraine, food shortages, LGBTQ and whatever other alphabet letters have been added since last I looked, we are being goaded to keep up this charade of caring by proving in destroying downtown property.

    Best case scenario, conservatives put a stop to abortions, now what?  Now we got a whole new generation of unwanted babies, and that is a sad reality.  A handful will be adopted by the perfect parents and sure, those will get a great shot at life, but for the most, life will suck and then they will repeat the process, making bad choices into oblivion.  There have been studies that Roe V. Wade was the single best deterrent in reducing crime that was so rampant in the late 70s and growing into the 90s.  Studies show that abortions doubled after the decision and then twenty years later, when those individuals would have been reaching their trouble years, their 20s, crime started coming down, statistics show crime coming down in the late 90s and continuing.  If this is so, then we are going to see even more crime in the next 20 years, thanks very much to the actions taken today, by a conservative court, no less.

    Wife was upset with me as I made flippant comments about the decision and not showing anger, such as "when are you cutting your hair short? or What color are you gonna go with in your hair, purple?"  My opinion is that going out and protesting does nothing but piss off people who don't have time for that kind of shit, I don't want idiots blocking my path or displaying angry attitudes towards other law-abiding citizens, that will make me double down and hate you even more, so it doesn't gain you allies.

    We are truly going into some hard times, I can only hope we are strong enough to survive this, but I'm afraid something will have to give.  It is too much shit being foisted on the common person for there not to be an ultimate impact.  Good or bad, these people at the top apparently keep pushing and imposing their will on the hard-working people until we get where they think they want to go.  I really feel abortions are an ugly reality that needs to exist, if it is solely a pressure valve that allows some the ability to keep going, it shouldn't be taken away.

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