Wednesday, June 15, 2022

6/15/22 Streets Are Scary At Night?

     I used to roam at night, for almost twenty years I worked night shift, from 7:00pm to 7:00am.  It has only been a couple years and yet, now I can't figure out how I did it for so long.  I was a little scared, honestly, tonight (Monday night)) after picking up Mijo from a friend's house, he was hungry, he is always hungry.  We went over to Whataburger, I should have driven over to the one closer to Brodie Lane, instead of the one in Southpark Meadows.  I won't even get gas here at night anymore, these homeless bums will approach you, almost every time to ask you for money, and gassing up you're just standing there exposed.

    Southpark Meadows has been going down the drain for a while now, and tonight, that was on full display.  There was a meth head literally running around the restaurant the whole time we were in line.  We could clearly see him, he was playing panther, or something, pretending to hide in the bushes and slowly coming out and then running between the cars, I didn't understand why they didn't call the cops, not that he was doing anything illegal, per se, but grrrr, do I find shit like this annoying.  Before this spectacle, I almost ran over some idiot on a bike as I turned into Southpark Meadows, near the Walmart gas station, the biker, who looked like another homeless person, was cruising about as slow as one can possibly go on a bike, cutting between cars, and popping out in front of me as I am making my turn.

    There was also an either heavy set gal or possibly she was pregnant, but walking alone at 10:0pm or so, she did not look to be in the right setting.  Then there was a group of maybe 7th graders, about 7-8 of them in a tight little group walking, Mijo said they had water guns in hand, I still didn't trust that big of a group of little shits.  The truck in line in front of us called them or something, but they all congregated on her, at which point I was ready to hit the gas if they approached me, they might have been harmless, but I don't need to be taking chances.  Meanwhile, the meth head kept running around the parking lot, like he was the star attraction of all the weird shit going on outside, he must have made four runs around the restaurant while we waited in line.

    After getting Mijo's food, we left, happily not interacting with anybody.  We got to the light to turn on 1st Street, and I saw another crazy homeless person, and I told Mijo, is that another meth head, he said "that's your favorite one, the chick that is always screaming."  Oh, I forgot about her.  It is sad, that we kind of know what drugged out crazy person hangs out in what corner, this city really is turning to shit very fast.

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