Tuesday, April 27, 2021

4/28/21 House Got Bigger?

     While we were in Houston, DD moved out with his new wife to start their life together.  I liked having him around, some evenings Boy leaves to go stay with his girlfriend and I don't really like Baby A staying alone.  Most nights I am home at a decent hour, but I still like knowing there was another adult nearby.  Well, we must make the best of the situation at hand, so having an empty room, I thought it would be a good idea to make it our weight room since my young Knucklehead is all about getting stronger right now.

    We have quite a few pieces of exercise equipment and putting it all in one room makes it look more official, I think.  The hardest thing to get in the room was the squat rack which is taller than the door and wider, so I had to take it apart before I was able to get it in.  It wasn't too bad, maybe a total of 8 bolts had to be undone and then re-tightened.  The squat rack is more or less the centerpiece, it is huge and red and sticks out.  I also have a bench press set-up which I have had since 1994 or so.  When we bought the squat rack, I also bought a "tree" for all the free weights, which has wheels and can be easily moved around.  The punching bag also made it into the room, Baby A punched it so many times, he inadvertently punched a hole in the wall.  Now that we know what is going on, I tell him to make sure it is away from the wall.  I was able to fit my dumbbells on their storage thing under the TV hanging on the wall.  I still need to move the treadmill in from our bedroom, but it is upstairs and a huge machine to move without planning it.  The latest piece of equipment is a Roman Chair to work the lower back.  I am now looking for a lat pulldown machine which Mijo asked for but I 'll need to get the dresser out of the room to fit the last stuff.

    Most of this stuff was sitting in the living room, so moving it into the downstairs bedroom opens up the living room nicely.  I don't know if I like the layout though.  I really liked having a couple of chairs halfway in the room from the back wall, almost like a theater without the raised sofa in the rear most sitting row.  I moved the chairs against the wall where the squat rack had been because it seems like the best thing for them, but I liked sitting close to the screen, even if it is 10ft diagonal.

    Moving the treadmill from our bedroom will also open up things up in our bedroom, I have been wanting a new recliner to sleep.  I have found that I sleep better in a seated position than trying to sleep on the bed.  When I sleep sitting down, I routinely sleep up to 4 hours, but when I sleep on the bed, I wake up every two hours, like clockwork.  I really planned on changing out the floor in the new "weight room", but then I didn't want to be staring at an empty room for a month either, so I said Fuck it and got to moving stuff this afternoon.

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