Sunday, April 11, 2021

4/11/21 Still Lacking Class?

     I hate to talk shit about a city, especially one as pretty, but the people of Dripping Springs continue to disappoint.  While at the wrestling tournament, we got to experience, yet again, the majesty that is the behavior of "winning Dripping Springs style."  I can't deny they showed up loud and proud and for that I applaud them, but once the kids got into the semis, fighting for place, the parents got outright disrespectful.  I don't see where it is right or in keeping with high school sports to yell at the referees like they favor one kid over another.  There was a particular person and I do believe he might have even been one of the coaches yelling at the referee that whatever his call on a move that he was full of shit and other nasty negative comments that aren't necessary in kids sports.  The poor referees go from one match to another and there isn't time to say this is my favorite kid or that is a winner.  They fight one after another as quickly as possible to get through the fifteen weight classes, I don't think the ref is waiting to fuck up "lil Shane's" wrestling opportunity.

    I wouldn't think so much of this if not for the same city acted like a bunch of thugs on the football field the last time I can remember seeing them, I believe Mijo's freshman year, the last game of the season, in freezing weather.  Crockett had gone all season without a fighting incident on the field, they might not win very many games, but they do play with respect and class.  I see my son offering a hand to help up opposing players, stuff like that.  Dripping Springs managed to start 3-4 fights on the field in that game which surprised me after not seeing any fighting all season, I have to blame it on the shitty mindset of the players from Dripping Springs, otherwise, I would have seen it all season long from our boys.

    I don't know if that is the sign of good playing or not, Dripping Springs that season was considered one of the best, so it was disappointing to see what I saw on the field.  I can't help but weigh the behavior to what my brother in law told Baby A at one point that when you get in a dogpile, all the football players in a pile, to try and poke eyes and hit people in the balls and generally be an asshole, I was never sure if it was "cool Bro talk" or if he was joking but Mijo and I discussed it and both agreed that isn't the way to play.  On the other hand, it seems that is exactly what Dripping Springs prides itself in teaching.

    Maybe it was just a handful of assholes in the stands, but if so, the other parents from that city should at one point or another tell these parents or coaches to cut the shit or stay at home if this is your best behavior, because whether you like it or not, the behavior of these parents directly reflects on the perception of your town (remember fool, you can't re-live your youth through your kids).  Dripping Springs may be full of people as beautiful as their city and I really considered moving out there, it is a perfect central Texas city, the stain left in me thinking this might be the energy of the people just makes me think maybe there's something in the water that makes the people there ugly and petty.

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