Saturday, April 24, 2021

4/25/21 The Big Show, State Wrestling Meet Day?

     It is always a sight to see the spectacle this great state can put on to display the finest of what our high schools can put out and this facility the kids fought in was top notch.  The team had to be there at 7:00am for weigh-in, which meant we were not going to be with them initially.  We stayed in the hotel until at least 11:30am, even watching the first match live on Instagram.  It was heart wrenching to see "your guy" get beat, but at least it was by points and not by a pin.  The coach had gotten note of the competition and some of these guys are just scary trained, the guy had over 20 wins, whereas our boys barely got 8 matches in all season.  The second and elimination round for the senior was against an even more formidable opponent who was 26-0 and completely dominated in two rounds, finishing the seniors career with a pin.

    I always find it a bit sad to see the ending of something so important for the kids, such as in football when it was senior day and the kids had their parents come out on the field.  Once you get to your senior year, it is pretty much over when it is over.  Few kids get a chance to perform at the next level, and at least the senior has plans of trying to walk on to his team at whatever college, he is still debating between Tx State and UTSA.  I wish him well, he is a dedicated athlete and has a good head on his shoulders, so he will do well in whatever his future is.

    It was a little funny when Baby A explained what was going on Thursday night when he came into our room and was all in a rush to leave.  He said the senior weighed himself and was at 223 pounds and he needed to be under 220 to compete, so they went for a run and got to sweating as much as possible.  He also got up at 4:00am and worked out as much as he could and by weigh in was back down to 217 pounds, but the coach had told them if he didn't make weight they would just go watch a movie.  It was nice, the coach pushed them hard all season and at this point there is no reason to be a hard ass, he realizes these guys go hard all season for the sake of the sport.

    We did finally make it to the facility and the first thing we wanted to do was find the souvenir place to buy some shirts or sweaters for our son, I mean I think it is cool to have your stuff say State Wrestling Meet, even if you didn't technically make it.  We sat there and went through the whole barrage of weight classes and it took awhile, I even napped for a few matches but eventually we got to the one that mattered.  He was outfought but to get to this level I still think you are a winner and it was still a great accomplishment for yourself and the school you represent.  Congratulations, I think the season was great, I was introduced to a new sport, and Mijo actually found a new sport to love, thanks in large part to your training and mentoring.

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