Monday, April 12, 2021

4/13/21 Much Different Visit From My Folks?

     I have to say it was a much different visit from my folks and I think I liked this one.  Usually, they are trying to take in as much as possible of the city and we end up running around until we are exhausted at the end of their visit.  This time, there really wasn't any rush, other than getting to the wrestling meet on time.

    They arrived late on Friday, as usual, they babysit for my sister and she couldn't pull herself away from work early, knowing they had a three hour drive, so they arrived here around 9:00pm.  Most of the time, they stop and eat on their own, so by the time we see them, they have already eaten and Friday is met with them just trying to get comfortable in bed.  This Friday they made it all the way here before eating, so they joined us in eating dinner, we would have eaten earlier but Wife arrived with a deadly determination to get our taxes done to get them out of the way.  We finished messing with our taxes and completing them right as my parents arrived, then we headed out to eat dinner at IHOP.  It had been at least a year since we had eaten at an IHOP and it was very good, but I ordered the chicken and waffles and they weren't very good, I should have ordered pancakes.  We had plenty of time to converse and stuff as we waited for the food and then ate.

    Saturday was more of the same, we pretty much sat all day at the meet and had the chance to talk and discuss wrestling, my mom and mother in law did not really like the sport as we saw a couple kids get hurt as they were tossed around violently.  Baby A ended up with a nosebleed and a bit tongue as his competitor hit him weirdly under the jaw multiple times, but that is just part of the sport.  We had a good lunch at Red Robin after, went home and napped until around 7:00pm, then just hung out at the house.  I did offer to take my mom out to the mall, but she seemed tired after being out all day, so she said no.  We sat around drinking coffee and just relaxing at the house all Saturday evening, I don't think my dad got off the bed all evening, he really loves the mattress he sleeps on here.  He even has the same thing I do, waking up every 2-3 hours to go pee, but he said he slept from 10:00pm until 8:00am before getting up to go to the bathroom.

    It was more of the same Sunday.  I got up early (and throughout the night to check on the pellets and brisket), ran to the store for tortillas, avocados, salsa, potato salad and other goodies to eat, but was able to take it easy all day long until they left around 3:00pm.  We then napped until 6:00pm, then went out for dinner at Chicken Express since somehow we had "promised" Mijo chicken, and ended the night with a Dairy Queen blizzard in Kyle.  We then got home, watched a couple of our shows and Wife was in bed before 10:00pm to start another week.  I slept with her for about an hour but am now up at close to midnight (Sunday night) writing this.

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