Friday, September 4, 2020

9/4/20 What Is The Gain In Acting Stupid, Dr. Fauci?

     Talk about a fall from grace, I liked this dude, 4-5 months ago.  Dr. Fauci seemed to be the voice of reason when the pandemic started and we knew nothing about what it was going to do.  He has been the head of the NIAID, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, since 1984, and has advised six sitting presidents in this capacity.  I don't question his intelligence, he is obviously qualified if he has been at the helm of a $5.9 billion dollar a year organization for this long.  The problem appears to be  in his politics and that is a goddamn shame.

    When the pandemic started and we went into isolation, it was on his recommendation since he sits at the very top and has the president's ear.  I both loved and took in the idea to isolate and stay at home.  We did our preparations, bought a freezer to keep extra food and even an extra shotgun, just in case things got crazy.  Therein lies the hook of this thought, things did go crazy, but in an unexpected way.  At the start of the pandemic, I was feeling all sorts of burnt out and really just treading water trying to stay alive.  I wasn't in great general health, Wife was on the tail end of her fourth year working 3 hours away and all it seems the boys dis was go to school and sleep.  The quarantine allowed us to take a deep breath and reflect for a minute.  I felt like I could finally sit down and drink a cup of coffee without having to rush out the door to pick up my boy from school or do some last minute shopping for something we needed.  Wife was home for about 5 months, going to work maybe once or twice a week, but just going for the day.  I honestly never stopped working, but we were allowed to just work until the work got done and then come home, I guess the beauty of working for a tiny company.

    Anyways, if Dr. Fauci and the gang were being cautious in recommending us stay home, I don't fault him.  If he was wrong, I don't fault him.  His thoughts on closing non-essential businesses, although controversial and painful to those workers, fine.  The problem comes when he will scream from the mountain tops that we must avoid crowds and social distance along with closing shops and businesses, but he doesn't seem to have an opinion on the fucking rioters.  These guys are basically on top of each other every night fighting the police and trying to burn down their own cities in crowds of hundreds of unemployables and yet, the good doctor won't say that is an excellent way to spread the virus.  Either you believe isolation helps or you don't, but you can't have one set of rules for us people that respect the law and another set of rules for those that seem to want to burn down the establishment.  I wish these fucks would just get picked up in the middle of the night and taken to their favorite country, say Venezuela, or China, fucking socialists.  I can't stand assholes that hate this great country.  It isn't perfect, but it is about as good as it gets.

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