Thursday, September 24, 2020

9/24/20 The Beach Bum?

     It had been a long time since we endured a movie this crappy all the way to the end.  I think it is mostly because we were smoking a brisket and the idea was that when the movie finished, the brisket would be ready.  Wife kept asking me "when is something going to start, like a purpose or a plot?"  I wanted to stick through it because I thought the cast was great, along with the location and imagery on screen.

    I really think the idea was taken straight out of someone reading a bit too much Charles Bukowski and applying his life into a setting straight out of Ernest Hemingway's life.  The movie is set in the Florida Keys and Miami.  The main character, Moondog, played by Matthew McConaughey, is a famed writer who seems to spend his days drunk partying with the "low life people" down in the keys.  He slowly wastes his days away drinking and sleeping with anything that moves.  After a few minutes of watching his debaucherous life and wondering where the movie is taking us, we find out he is married to a way too good looking for his dirty ass Minnie, played by Isla Fisher.  She is crazy rich living in a mansion along the Miami waterfront and summons him home because their daughter is marrying some nothing looking guy for no reason.  The young couple do not even look like they belong together, and Moondog quickly calls the guy out, indicating he should come out of the closet during the wedding.  Other than him showing up for the wedding, nothing is really going on, but Snoopdog is there, and he plays a family friend getting ordained to marry the young ones and then going on a long dead end conversation with Moondog about some special strain of Marijuana.  I really do like Snoopdog, he always plays these super cool laid back guys but the weed and that lifestyle seems like an old gimmick in today's modern world.  Kind of seeing Cheech and Chong pop up in a movie today, I mean it seems everyone smokes a little bit, great, go ahead and move along.

    I don't want to give away the rest of the movie plot, but I do really love the cast.  Other than these three, Martin Lawrence shows up for awhile, Jimmy Buffet is in there as himself for a couple scenes, Jonah Hill pops in as his manager or lawyer or something although he is way too skinny.  Zac Effron shows up playing an asshole character that hangs out with Moondog for a scene and excuses his shitty behavior by talking too much about Jesus Christ.

    This cast could have made a special movie that either made a ton of money or could have become another cult favorite to watch over and over, but even the end left a bad taste in my mouth.  Talking the other day about excess when watching Entourage and the boys spending tons of money enjoying life is very different than watching this idiot gain 50 million dollars in one day, putting it all in a sailboat and then burning it all in some ritual that only made sense to the character.  Pretty much everyone that showed up for his fine moment of a fireworks show would have benefitted from receiving say one million dollars and taking it rather than what this idiot decided to do.  Maybe it is just the capitalist money lover in me, but I never wanted to kick a character in the balls more at the end of the movie than this one.

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