Thursday, September 17, 2020

9/18/20 Diet Update II?

     I am surprised to say that we are still going strong on the dieting front.  Wife has been amazing at keeping me motivated and even making me say no, even if she is the one teasing the "falls off the wagon."  I am happy to say I am now at 382 and have now lost a solid 50 pounds from my high point, and my high was when I dared look after I had started dieting, I was afraid to look at a certain point, so it is possible that I was closer to 440, but I digress.  Wife said as of yesterday she too is down almost 40 pounds, so what we are doing is working.  I am a little disappointed that since August 13, the last time I wrote about my diet, I was at 392, so it has only been 10 pounds in the past month, but there have been so many roadblocks.

    First of all, it was my birthday and that meant some sort of cake.  It turns out we went to Crystal and spent my birthday with my folks.  That was great, I love sitting with them and just hearing them talk about their days, and Mom is still mom, making breakfast for all in the house, which is real nice.  We had cake, and then pizza and even chicken from the Golden Chick or whatever chicken place they got oh yeah and tacos from a restaurant.  We all left with a Queer (ice cream treat made of icee and ice cream) from that dairy on our way out.  Although it was a great weekend, it took a week just to get back to where I was before going.  Then my mom had her fall and that took me off my routine again.  Add to that, the boys and Wife bought me a new grill and we have been making large smorgasbords of smoky meats and then eating all of it.  Last week was also another fall from the wagon as we went to a birthday party at my in-laws and the food was just amazing.

    But anyways, Wife said she pretty much cut out her dinner meal and only eats a light breakfast and lunch.  I did not want to do that, but after not making any losses I tried it and it got the diet moving again.  I come home after work, usually after midnight and have a yogurt and maybe a little low carb ice cream and that usually satiates me to get me through the night.  I wish I could say I have been exercising more, but honestly I have not.  I am walking better because of the lost weight, I notice I don't huff and puff as much as I used to walking back and forth to my Excursion at work.  Even at this reduced weight loss speed, I could still hit my goal to get to 350 by the end of the year.  That is only 32 pounds away, I think I can manage to lose about 10 pounds a month.

    I was really excited when I tried on an older 3X shirt and it fit well enough.  I couldn't even get the buttons to touch a few months ago.  Same with the pants, I am embarrassed (more scared about the impending heart attack) that I was pretty much up to a 60 waist on my pants, but I tried on older clothes and even some size 54 pants closed, although I am not ready to sport those in public.  What I really want and one of my goals is to get small enough to fit in a Dodge Challenger or a Ford Mustang.  Wife says I am too fat for those sport cars, but maybe if I loose 100 pounds I can make it work.  The real dream would be fitting in those tiny convertible sport cars, like a BMW Z4 or even a Mazda Miata type.  We'll see.

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