Thursday, September 24, 2020

9/25/20 Fixing Another Problem In Our Beloved House?

    Sometimes it just feels like a pain in the ass to be a homeowner.  It is bad enough I am still trying to get over the cost of the new water heater, but Friday Boy mentioned that there was hardly any water flow in his bathroom.  He had mentioned this before but then I would go in there and see the water looking decent.  Friday, he went to Mama, she had just arrived and she was headed upstairs to change.  She called me in and made a stink about it.  I just said "fine, I'll get to it as soon as I can.  Saturday was brisket day, I spent the day smoking another big hunk of meat and the payoff was oh so good.  Sunday was a weird-ish kind of day.
    I got up at 8:00am, came downstairs, wrote a blog, looked up on Youtube for any new news stories.  I guess we went to bed around 3:00am, so after awhile I just felt sleepy and Wife sleeps at least until noon if we don't have anything to do.  I came back up to bed at 10:00am, played with my phone for a bit, my mom got all pissy because we have a group text going and she doesn't like how we will argue with each other at times.  I said some stuff, my sister said I was wrong, then I nudged a correction, she continued, I pushed again and Mama got nervous because we are all supposed to be like 3 year olds who just need hugs.  We weren't even arguing ugly, just disagreeing with each other, not a big deal.  Anyways, I fell asleep and really didn't wake until around 1:30pm.  As soon as I stirred, Wife asked if I wanted to go get some groceries for her week down in La Pryor.  I showered and we headed out to Target.
    When we got back, I didn't have much else going on.  I tried running the grill, but it gave me my first problem and I had to do a lot of work to get it back to working.  After this, I thought of the shower and it was nearing 4:30pm.  We went to Lowe's and got the part, which cost a decent $38.00 for a new cartridge.  When we got back I announced I was shutting the water off and Wife told me to give her time to go take a quick shower, you never know how long things like this will take.  I told Javalina to help me, it would be good to learn a thing or two.
    We went out and turned off the water, I had him turn the valve, so he knows how to do it later if I ever need him to.  We then opened the faucet to check it was off and he had to go back out there and squeeze it shut a bit more.  We then headed to the bathroom and I removed the old water splitter/cartridge thing in the wall.  It was a little stuck, and I let Javalina pull on it for awhile before I got it out by giving it some uncomfortable twists.  I noticed the Hot water inlet was thick with calcium deposits, so I scraped them off as best as I could.  It was a pain in the butt, Javalina insisted the pipe was bent, but eventually we got the new part in and I screwed it all up nice and tight.  I sent Javalina out to turn on the water and for some reason he couldn't get it to turn.  I went out there and turned it after I laid on the wet grass (it was drizzling) on a towel.  He said "no fair, you laid down and got all your body weight into it."  I just said "whatever it takes, I am still the strong one in this house."  We went in, happy that the water came out as it is supposed to and I didn't see any leaks.

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