Wednesday, September 2, 2020

9/3/20 Can I Bum A Light?

     I got out early tonight from work (Wednesday), there wasn't hardly any work, so I took care of what was there and then headed home to start my weekend.  I have to walk about a half mile, I am sure I have complained about this a couple times already, but that is life with Covid-19 in the air.  Anyways, as I am rushing to get in my Excursion so I can get out of the humidity and turn on the A/C, a whiff of my dad circa my childhood hit me.  I had to look up and think "what the hell did I just smell?"  It is so rare nowadays that I had to look around and process what I was smelling, but amongst the SUV's parked in the handicapped spots, closest to the door, one if them had their windows down and I have to assume there was an old dinosaur still trying to hold on to the past by sucking on a cigarette.  That smell doesn't really offend me like it does Wife, oh she will loose her shit, I just attach it to my childhood because my dad was usually smoking if he was home chilling, at least mom made him do it outside.  Dad did eventually kick the habit about 3-4 years ago after he almost died with a bad case of pneumonia and was in the hospital for over a week.

    I can't even point and say how disgusting those people that smoke are, as it is just as easy for them to say how disgusting you are, you fat fuck, put the pizzas down.  But in this day and age of Covid-19, we should all be trying to make ourselves as strong as possible to survive it if we get it.  A new report just came out a few days ago, and it is being used politically, which is fucking stupid, but it basically says that Covid-19 by itself is not a devastating killer, it is when it works with other comorbidities that it really shines as a killer.  Some of those are diabetes, being obese, and smoking has to be on the list as anything that weakens the lungs falls on the list, but I can't say I have heard them targeted like fat people.

    We all have our addictions, but this one I don't understand.  A pack of cigarettes costs over $7 a pack and like my dad, he was smoking at least 2 packs a day.  $14 times 30 is $420 which could be the payment for a mid sized SUV, that seems like a lot to just burn in between your fingers to look cool.  Not to mention that this modern day offender was already parked in a handicap spot, I am sure he wasn't doing himself any favors, but again, what do I know?  I just had to write something because honestly, it had been a few years since I smelled that particular smell.  Maybe it's the virus keeping us isolated or the fact that we live here in Austin and/or smoking is just really down, but it seemed like a novelty to run into that smell out of the blue.

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