Tuesday, September 22, 2020

9/22/20 Cable Is Done? (Part 1 of 2)

     I was in the shower just awhile ago and two thoughts converged in my mind at the same time.  Wife and I have been talking about "do we need cable?", we don't really watch it anymore during the week.  I don't even think of turning on the TV.  Last thing I enjoyed watching was HGTV to see all the waterfront properties and swoon, but then they started going more towards remodeling and Property Brothers and shows with personalities.  I don't care enough to watch that.  I am even surprised when Wife gets here on Friday evenings and the first thing she does is turn on the TV in the kitchen, right next to the table.  Last week I even snapped with a "what the fuck are you doing that for, you're not even watching it and it adds noise to the room (she got on her laptop next to me, I was on mine)??  The other thought coming into focus after spending my lunch sitting and watching TikTok videos of a comedian who does these little scenarios with different members of the family, @changthagame.  He busts on his son for being stupid with his little girlfriends, and the brother for letting himself get controlled by his bossy girlfriend, and stuff like that.

    It occurs to me that this is what the comedy shows I have grown up watching do, but since they have to fill a time slot, sometimes the funny gets drug out.  All good comedy shows, like 70's Show or Big Bang Theory are situational in that the characters have to deal with some uncomfortable issue and somehow they draw comedy from it.  This is what the good content providers are doing on Youtube, TikTok, and maybe some of the others.  The difference is that with these sources, a studio isn't deciding who is good enough and who isn't to be on screen.  Anyone with enough confidence and a modern phone can make a video and let the world decide what is good.

    Technology has come so far, that these videos are amazing looking.  I sit in front of my 100inch projector and turn on Youtube to watch some of these videos when I get bored of sitting at the table, it is the era of Covid-19, we can't do much outside the home.  Specifically, I like watching @ThresherFishing who does videos of himself fishing around Corpus Christi.  He uses a drone to capture video from above that looks like it belongs on TV and then his fishing is also top level.  The other one I always watch too is Fresco Channel, they are a family who are obsessed with being on the water.  They go fishing and spend the night on their boat most every weekend in different places around Miami and the Florida Keys.  He also uses a drone to catch some awesome video of the water and landscape.

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