Tuesday, September 15, 2020

9/15/20 Party At The In-Laws?

     I know we shouldn't be getting together right now because of Covid-19, but this past Saturday we went to my in-law's house for a birthday get together.  We hadn't been over there in a few months, but when we go they do like to put out a spread.  They even teased us that the menu would be favorable for us on Atkins or Keto or whatever you want to call a low carb diet.  The birthday was for the younger sister and her younger son, who are days apart as far as their actual birthday.

    Saturday was kind of a long day.  We got up at 8:00am because Javalina had football practice, which lasted I think 3-4 hours.  They did spend some of that time getting their equipment, which he was happy to get the prostyle helmet this year.  While we waited for him, Wife and I went and got her SUV washed, which I got a yearly subscription at the wash place by the house.  This is the 3rd time we go super early, and they are usually done in about 10 minutes.  We then ran over to Maxwell Ford to pick up the plates for the other smaller SUV we got a month ago.  Even after all this, we still had time to go home and eat breakfast.

    As it got closer to noon, we went and picked him up, waking up Boy and Sweetie so they would take a shower and be ready.  Eventually, we got going, maybe closer to 2:00pm and got over there before 4:00pm, I think.  They were about ready with all the food, which was brisket, ribs, and sausage.  There was a lot of brisket, but not ribs.  The table was loaded with snacks of veggies for dipping and two trays with all sorts of fruit.  I was not planning on breaking my diet, but the mango looked too good.  The tray also had big green grapes, melon, pineapple, blueberries, oranges, watermelon, purple grapes and other fruit.  I about overdosed on the mango, it was perfect and cut into little squares.

    Once I was off the diet, I feasted like a hog.  I was eating strips of brisket like they were grapes, it was really good, and then we finished the meal with a chocolate birthday cake and an ice cream cake.  I hadn't eaten like that in a while, so as soon as we got in the car to head back, I was out.  The trip was actually pretty good.  Usually, I eat and go take a nap, but for some reason, we were all just having a pretty good time talking and catching up.  The younger sister's older son showed me his setup where he makes fishing worms which he has been selling and then I saw his kayak in the garage.  It made me really want to get one, then Boy said he wants one too, so maybe we will all be getting into some kayaking adventures soon.  We left fairly early, as we were home by 10:00pm or so.

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