Saturday, September 12, 2020

9/12/20 Where Were You?

     Last night, as I was falling asleep in bed, I saw a TikTok mention the "where were you when 9/11 happened?"  It is hard to believe that it has been 19 years since that event.  I woke up this morning wanting to recollect it and had a discussion with Wife about it.  Wife said that as she recalls, she was driving in to work listening to 101x, which is the alternative music station here and when we listen to music it is the station we still listen to.  She then said that as she got to work, everyone was in shock on the first floor looking at the events on 6 TVs they had in the lobby.  After a while, they were told to go to their offices to be accounted for.  This is the stupid thing now that we have learned a thing or two.  Why in the fuck would you tell your people to go up a building to the 6th floor to get a headcount when their is a fear that a plane might be coming to knock your building down.  Wife said they did have little metal ladders to throw out the windows (two of which had the ability to open if they needed to rappel down the outside of a building.  Wow, geniuses, how about you don't meet up at the top floor.  30-50 year old women or men, for that matter aren't going to do well on a dinky chain link ladder thrown out a window of an office building.  Times were different then, these tragedies made us grow up and be more aware and responsible to think differently.

    I was home, it was one of my days off, as I recall, a Tuesday, I was still fast asleep recuperating from going to the lake with friends the day before on my boat.  Wife called and woke me to go pick up Boy from school, there was concern that they were going to use hundreds of planes to crash all over the country in that moment.  I remember calling my mom right after, we hadn't talked in a couple of weeks we had gotten in a fight/disagreement, probably the only time I got mad enough that we stopped talking for an extended amount of time.  This was a shocking event that brought most of the world together.  I remember being scared, running to the school to get my son who was in 2nd grade, he was around 7 and their school was next to the Texas Wildlife Parks and Game Head Office, so why wouldn't that be a good target to attack I thought in my confused delusional state.  Fortunately, they were wrong about them using hundreds of planes for targets all over the US, but tragically, four planes were used as weapons.  Two were used to take down the twin towers in New York, one crashed into the Pentagon, and another was bravely taken down by passengers internally and crash landed into an open field which was surmised to be headed to crash into the White House.

    This directly lead us into two wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq and though it is now almost twenty years since, we still have a formidable military presence in both countries.  Osama Bin Laden, the "mastermind" was eventually killed, though it did take a lot longer than I imagined, and we, the US, are still in his beloved land, so I don't think he thought his shit through.  

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