Wednesday, October 3, 2018

10/3/18 How Many People Get To Do What They Really Love?

    I just saw Class Rank and it took a look at a person willing to do anything for the chance to get ahead.  She ends up coming in 2nd, due to an A- in a PE class which she said she couldn't climb the rope in class because she had literally been up the night before writing thousands of thank you notes for participants of the Special Olympics.  This devastates her but gets her on a plan to change how classes are ranked by going to the school board.
    At the school board she meets a classmate who is very passionate about changes he believes are more important, such as the school district offering Chinese instead of French or having bike lanes on the roads.  Veronica, the girl suggests he runs for the school board to get her wish of changing class rankings and their importance.  She offers to be his campaign manager, when he asks why she doesn't do it, she says she will be gone the following year, as she plans to be in Yale, if they will accept her.  He goes along with it, partly I think because he likes her but partly because his grandma had been involved and he just has it in his blood.
    So when he starts getting to know her, she divulges that she plans on being a History major, he asks interested, so you like History?  She says no, but it is the degree with the likeliest acceptance to Law School.  To which he asks if she cares about being a lawyer, and again  she says not really, her dream is to be on the Supreme Court, for some reason.  But every move she does is calculated for that job.  She plays violin because one of the Supreme Court people plays it, she volunteers in many projects, not because she is interested in them, but because it will look good on her resume.  Bernard, the boy, kind of has a problem with this.  He only spends his time doing things that benefit him, such as his arguing with the school board.
    So how many people gamble on a degree that they are not particularly interested in?  I know that the degree I got fits me but if I went and just got a degree in what I was passionate about, I would probably have studied music, but the idea of being a band director did not seem like something I would want to do as a career.  Do we all just fumble our ways through life and accept how it turns out?  I am ok with what I do, I would never say I am passionate about this.  I am a cog in the wheel, the wheel had been pretty generous in pay, so I got comfortable and fat and old.  I guess fear keeps me here more than anything because I hate thinking I could be making more money by making some moves, but then I am at a point where I am left alone most of the time, and that is ok too.

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