Sunday, October 21, 2018

10/22/18 Venom? (Movie)

    I will admit I did not want to go watch this movie, Venom.  I mean what else could Marvel do to make this character likeable?  As far as I knew Marvel could not be clever enough yet again to make us fall in love with another hero (or as my boys say, anti-hero) plus we were introduced to Venom in that bad Spider-Man movie with Sandman and Venom played by Topher Grace and there was very little to like of the character as done by Grace, and I was a big fan of his from his work on 70's Show.
    Tom Hardy plays the new Eddie Brock and he seems a much more natural fit for the character's needs.  I will admit the first 20 minutes the movie seems stilted and a little dry.  Eddie Brock is an investigative reporter and he plays it cool if a little too hip, you know, plays by his own rules type.  His GF is a lawyer and even though the world is huge, she is currently representing the company of which the CEO is a young billionaire type and Brock has to interview.  He decides to look through the GFs files when she is asleep (it's easy a highly paid attorney shares her laptop with a reporter) and accuses him of stuff he sees in there, which was of course, stupid.  This leads to both of them getting fired.
    Through pure luck and chance, Brock ends up back in the labs of the CEO bad guy who has quietly been sending spaceships out looking for inhabitable planets to move mankind, he is certain we are within 1 generation of overpopulating the planet.  Brock is infected with one of the alien forms when he sees a street friend and luckily for him, the alien likes him and they form a very strange bond, which is where the comedy comes from.  After a little while, the alien starts conversing with Brock and he warns him that he is going to slowly take over Earth and that it is the end of humankind, very scary stuff.  It turns out when he finds out there is another of his kind, Riot (who is a real leader and killer on his planet), he admits to Brock that on his planet he was kind of like his equivalent, a loser too.  They are able together to beat the real bad guy and all his henchmen which results in a lot of fast running around scenes.
    The funny is in the dialogue between the alien, Venom, and his host, Brock.  Brock has to teach him that there are good and bad people and if he even allows it, he can only eat bad people.  Venom, like he is taking notes inside of him asks "how will I know who is bad?"  It's pretty easy to sort them out, says Brock.  Well, let's find something to eat, I'm looking at your liver and it is looking lovely, the alien tells Brock.  Brock just says stop it, like he's talking to a puppy, not an alien from another world.

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