Thursday, October 18, 2018

10/18/18 Addendum Rooms To Dante's Inferno

    Clearly, one of Javalina's favorite books over the last year has been Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, which has the infamous descriptions of Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (purgatory), and Paradiso (heaven).  He asked me for a copy of it last year to read for a class and then I found a nice leather bound version and I got it for him, since it seemed to be a special book for him, plus I always loved it, it was so descriptive, you almost believe it to be real.  The beauty of literature is it can be real if you believe it to be.  But to move forward, even Javalina says this story is very old, we need like new punishments, like a place where girls get punished where they have their cell phones but no where to plug them in to charge, even if the house they are in has the lights on.  I don't even have to elaborate in this one much further, but if there is a hell and a twit has done something, such as run  over a person while distracted on their phone, this would be the perfect form of punishment, forever looking in the next room trying to plug in so they can post the perfect "selfie" no one will ever see.
    I remember seeing Lucifer a show about the devil visiting LA and then deciding to stay for awhile.  There is an episode and he shows what hell is like, according to him.  It shows a man who attempted to kill his beloved detective and then he kills himself.  In hell, he is in a car wreck where he barely gets out but leaves another passenger stuck in there, concerned only with saving himself.  A crowd gathers immediately and calls him out for being selfish and a coward.  He talks to Lucifer and says this is repeating over and over.  Lucifer tells him it is very easy, you just have to forgive yourself, but then he says in all his years, that has never happened.
    Another good punishment that was not in the original for the a-holes who like to flick their still lit cigarettes out the car window, they should drive home on a random afternoon in their hell and just watch as the flames engulf the windows and he/she get to hear the screaming of their children inside stuck in their rooms and burning alive, with nothing he can do, but maybe smoke another one while he waits for the smoke to clear, I hate these sums o' bitches, they start fires all the time and basically get away with it.
    These are both low level crimes that would belong on the lower circles of Hell, what would be a punishment for those that start wars with no good reasons?  The killing of thousands based on a hunch?  I think the whole of the Bush administration which went into Iraq where still no proof of a connection to 9/11 was ever found, they should be punished, if there was a thing such as Hell, I could see them specially Cheney standing before this great giant Army complex barking orders like the grand CEO he considered himself, only to be ignored.  The whole of a great military might at his disposal, but nobody listens to him.  Occasionally, a low ranking member comes forward and slaps him on his fat cheek and says "you have no power here."  These criminals, if there were a hell, belong closest to Satan, born again or not.  Nobody ever punished Saudi Arabia, where 17 of the 19 hijackers came from, why?

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