Thursday, August 3, 2017

8/3/17 Do Adults Get A Visit From The Tooth Fairy?

    This is one of those situations where you just never know.  Wife bit something a couple weeks ago and had then been complaining of a loose molar in the very back of her mouth.  I told her she should go to the dentist, since she was obviously in some pain and/or discomfort.  You know how martyrs are, they would rather die and save a penny for the family than take care of themselves.  She kept insisting that she has crappy dentist insurance and she didn't know where to go with hers.  She was sure Austin would be "out of network" since she works three hours away.
    Last Friday she was off and at the house, I reminded her when she came down and sat down to watch another round of Buffy or whatever thing with vampires she watches nowadays that she should take care of that hurting tooth, and quit worrying about the cost.  She argued for a minute or two then I reminded her that once school starts it'll be a lot harder to deal with "shit" like this.  Miraculously, she agreed without too much arguing.  I suggested she call the place I go to but it was closed, it was Friday afternoon.  She then started looking online and somehow or other found a place that might take her insurance, thus saving us a lot of expense.  They actually e-mailed her back on Saturday and continued on Sunday, asking her to come in today, Wednesday.
    She had been at region 20 or something like that, officially working , but she showed up around 4:00pm and talked with me for a lil bit.  The appointment being at 5:00pm did not sound like I should go since I leave for work about 5:40pm to get to my work by 6:00pm.  She must have gotten to the dentist office by 4:30pm, because by 6:00pm, they had evaluated and even pulled a molar out of her skull.  It turns out that even thought the tooth was solid and in good shape, the gum was damaged and it would have fallen eventually, possibly given her problems with sepsis, or maybe the dentist has a boat payment, either way, there was no rescheduling or just taking x-rays and talking a lot.  This dentist got on it right away.
    For all her worries and putting up with pain and discomfort the last three weeks, the charge to her was only $37  dollars.  That actually sounds like pretty decent insurance, and then she was given an antibiotic which cost only $1.38, so all in all, why are you complaining?  She is supposed to go back in 3-4 weeks, once the hole where the tooth was heals so she can get a proper cleaning.

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