Tuesday, August 29, 2017

8/29/17 Crazyness For Awhile?

    I thought it was going to be rough picking up Chubs after football practice and getting him home along with watching his games when they actually start playing in a couple of weeks.  Yesterday, we got an e-mail from the band that they will not only be having practice in the morning before school starts but also after school.  I still work a twelve hour schedule, I am supposed to get to work around 6:00pm, and leave by 6:30am.  There's some crap about our lunch hour that we have to stay an extra half hour or some crap that never made sense, but those are my parameters.  Football practice has been ending around 6:50pm, and then I have to take him home, talk for a little bit about his day, did he get hit or is he sore.  So far, he has just been thirsty, nothing a Gatorade can't fix.
    This means I leave the house after 6:00pm, hopefully I get to work by 6:30pm, so I can leave by 7:00am.  The band is even more demanding than the football team.  They want the kids there at 7:15am to practice an hour before classes start, and then they want them there different days after school as well.  I feel bad for Chubs since he is going to stretch his day from now 7:00am to almost 6:00pm.  He should be a skinnier, stronger, tougher kid by November, if anything.  If that isn't enough, the band expects the parents to show up tonight for a meeting at 6:00pm.  With Wife three hours away, I am left trying to fit all this in along with getting to work on time, somehow.
    I asked Boy to man up and figure out how he is going to help me, and he said umm, can't you do it in the morning.  I don't have class until 11:00am, I'm supposed to be asleep.  HA HA HA!  I swear this Boy does not think before he opens his mouth.  I am running around non-stop and he is trying to sleep the morning away.  I told him sorry, but since we pay for your vehicle you will be more useful.  It is just through the football season, it won't kill you to help me out a bit.  I got a lot of sighs and deep breaths and "why me?"  I just walked past him and made me a sandwich in my lunch break.
    I still need to talk with my supervisor, I am thinking I want to be off on the nights he has football games, so we can go eat after, celebrate a little.  Every other week I work a three day shift, so that will be easy enough to move around, but the other week will require more finesse.  Oh well, football comes and goes, before we know it, we will be planning on Thanksgiving and football will be over.  Tomorrow though, is his first day in full pads, I am excited to see what the Big Boy will look like.  I thought he was a giant, but shit, there's other boys on that offensive line making him look small, and there are some receivers making him look like a giant.  Such diversity.

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