Friday, August 25, 2017

8/26/17 Black People Owned Slaves, So It Was OK?

    While discussing with my coworker about the nutjob that is Trump, we touched on the south and I don't think they deserve any statues of Robert E. Lee or any of those guys that came in second place in the Civil War.  This of course because Trump basically defended the whites that led to the death of that lady run over by not a Nazi, but a schizophrenic.  Don't blame the white hate group, let's make sure and keep their hands clean, blame the mental patient who was hanging out with the white hate group, wearing their colors, acting like them, but of course, he was the only one with a mental disorder (where is the sarcasm font?).
    My buddy not only apologized, but also said he went online to get him some more education and found out that black people also owned slaves.  What?!  We were both surprised and broke out the champagne because if black people did it, then it removes the ugliness of it and it should be alright.  Sometimes, when you are losing an argument, just fall on the fucking sword and die.  Why also dig your own grave?  I was on a different day and thinking I had to be more productive than I have been the last two days, I did not want to get into it again.  He seemed all proud of himself, did you know South Carolina's first slave owner was black? He asked me.  I was still trying to wrap my head around the idea of black people owning slaves, specially in the south.
    I always thought the free black people had to scoot on up to the North because all that kept them free was a piece of paper that any crooked police officer or person in power could take and label any black person a slave.  I don't think white people can understand being a minority, but of course if you are a know it all, you'll find a way.
    I had to look it up and yes, there were black people who did buy slaves, but almost fifty percent of those were buying their spouses or children, so it looks great (for people trying to justify slavery as ok), but there was a reason.  In 1830, a Carter G. Woodson did a study, about 13.7% of the black population was free (319,599).  Of these, 3776 free black people, owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States.  This amounted to less than 1% of the total.  Of that, it was found that 94% of black slave owners owned between 1 and 9 slaves, and that was skewed because many times a free spouse would buy his slave spouse and children.
    I don't know what to say to my buddy.  On the one hand, he went online and learned something he will be repeating ad nauseam because it makes whites and blacks equals if "everyone" owned slaves.  On the other, if he just got off the Trump bandwagon, he could go back to a peaceful life and stop defending a fucking spoiled monster.  At this point, we are eight months into his tenure as President, I swear if I hear Hillary's e-mails or Benghazi again, I will just suggest it easier to get a little swastika on your forehead so we know you aren't worth arguing with.

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