Thursday, August 24, 2017

8/24/17 Wife, Where Art Thou?

    It's the little things that really make me miss my better half.  I hate dancing with all the little bullshit required to start school.  Chubs needed a physical for football, fine.  He brought a package of paper from school for us to sign, fine.  Then band sent a packet of paper to sign, then football sent a packet to sign.  I've signed my name more times the last two days then I had over the last five years.  Where I see all this paperwork as slowly sucking my soul, Wife would sit with a bag of popcorn and actually read each page.  I was like flip it, I don't have time to read it, just don't do stupid shit and you'll be alright.
    On top of this, I wanted to make sure and return the alto saxophone to Strait Music, since we were renting it and he will now be playing the Bari Sax, a much bigger and heavier and expensiver musical instrument.  Where the alto was going to cost me $2400 or so.  A bari sax of equivalent value, say a Yamaha or Selmer would run around $5,500.  Luckily, the school supplies these, but it is not a new one.  I returned the Alto after much debate because I was going to use it to trade the student version for a professional one for myself, but honestly after having it in the house for a year and spending an additional $300 on an extra mouthpiece, I used it about two times.  I still remember the notes and scales and stuff, I just feel like I'm a grown ass man.  I don't have time to be toot tooting around like a high school kid.  I wish life was slower.
    On top of that, I stupidly left my medicine at the doctor yesterday.  I put it on the ground as Chubs was getting his physical, we were waiting in there about a half hour, so I sat on the companion chair and put my stuff down on the floor.  Chubs was kind enough to give me his sweater, everything in his pockets, so as we walked out, I was worried about not dropping his phone, I forgot about my own stuff.
    Just as I was going to pick him up early, for once, and I was already in the parking lot, he calls me that he will be in football practice, so pick him up at 5:30, instead of 3:50pm.  I went home, ate some shitty food, showered, then headed back to get him, and I had to fit in filling up the Excursion as I had the stupid low gas light on for awhile.  This is now the second day that I am "late" to work.  Nobody notices, but I also can't stay late in the morning because I have to go wake Chubs, feed him, and get him to school, as he forgets shit left and right.
    We'll see if it gets better next week with Boy starting his classes.  He is still having issues with freaking Financial Aid, so I hope that gets resolved.  Mama would make all this go away, at least from my field of view.  I hate being the responsible parent.

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