Tuesday, August 15, 2017

8/15/17 They Still Make Excuses for The KKK?

    What the hell happened this weekend in North Carolina?  Why are mobs of people still getting together to clash?  That seems like actions of primitive people.  And just what exactly was that poor lady killed for?  A fucking statue of Robert E. Lee?  Come on, the civil war was fought between 1861 and 1865.  Lee was a general for the south, it has to be recognized that if you lose, you don't really deserve to be commemorated in bronze statues all over the place.
    The ignorant masses that still support the idea that the south should have won are a scary backward thinking bunch.  What if they had won?  We would possibly still have slavery, the United States would not be the land of the free, they wouldn't have to worry about Mexicans coming over and taking the shit jobs, slaves would be doing them.  It is possible that the United States would have been broken into three or four countries by now.  Texas might be its own country, it was for a time.  Had this happened, Germany might have won World War II and maybe us brown people wouldn't even be here.  Possibly, Hitler would have gotten his dream of a white world.  Would that have brought peace to the south?  No, stupid, ignorant people like to fight.  Much like the ignorant bearded idiots in the desert, they would find a difference between pure white and pure whiter.
    I'm sorry, but you idiots that voted for Trump can carry this on your backs, these roaches feel like it is ok to come out and declare it is the white people's turn to get a break.  Really?  UT is 43% white, the next groups are 20% Hispanic, and 17.8% Asian, Blacks come in at 3.9%. with 51,331 students total.  22,072 are white, 2,002 are black.  You still have a great advantage, Johnny.  At A&M, it is a much more comfortable 58% white, 20% Hispanic, and again 3.78% Black.  These are the two flagships for the state, who has the advantage?
    Congress is 80% white and 80% men, and we can proudly say it is THE most diverse congress yet.  The 45th President is white, as have all others but one.  Why are grown white men crying in the streets about needing it to be their turn?  Seriously, I understand why black people are uniting and chanting black lives matter, specially when they are represented by less than 5% in post high school education.  It is not the end all, be all, but it is a start.  Don't worry, Jeff Sessions is pushing to remove any advantages for minorities, white people need an equal opportunity at the University level, after all.

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